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Function getfilespec - get a DIR proper filespec
Syntax char *getfilespec(char *s);
Prototype in filehk.h
Remarks getfilespec parses a string pointed to by s for a
file name. Any drive and path information is
stripped from the string and the filename.ext is
expanded with wildcards, as DIR does internally
(i.e. c:tchk.lib has a filename.ext of tchk.lib amd
c:tchk. has a filenameext of tchk., but c:tchk has
a filename.ext of tchk.*). The original string s is
getfilespec() relies on parsefilename() to strip
any drive and path information from s. Thus, any
restrictions applying to parsefilename() also apply
to getfilespec().
Return value returns a pointer to s.
See also parsefilename(), parsefnameext(), resolvepath()
Example see demopars.c
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson