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Function parsefnameext - parses a filename into name and
Syntax struct fnameext *parsefnameext(char *filename);
Prototype in filehk.h
Remarks parsefnameext parses a string pointed to by
filename into its elements, filename and extension.
The struct fnameext is returned with the file name
and extension as fixed length strings, padded with
spaces as necessary.
parsefnameext is useful for separating a DOS
filename into its discrete parts.
Return value parsefnameext returns the DOS file name filename
broken down into the structure fnameext as the name
and extension.
parsefnameext returns a pointer to the storage
location containing the struct fnameext, or NULL if
space could not be allocated.
See also getfilespec(), parsefilename(), resolvepath()
Example see demopars.c
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson