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Function inkeydv - get a key, DESQview aware
Syntax int inkeydv(boolean wait);
Prototype in keyboard.h
Remarks inkeydv returns the key code of the key pressed. If
no key was pressed (WAIT = FALSE) 0 is returned.
This function is similar to getchar() except input
is not echoed to the screen and inkeydv will detect
any key press (any standard keypress. It cannot
distinguish between the grey '+' key and the white
'+'. This function is interrupt driven. It will
detect ALT combinations, Del, PgUp, function keys,
etc., any keyboard INTerrupt accepted keys.)
When running under DESQview, inkeydv() will free up
time slices while waiting for a keypress. DESQview
is detected by the variable _dvmajor not equal to
zero. DESQversion() should be invoked sometime
before using inkeydv().
Return value returns the key code of the key pressed, from 1 to
511. If WAIT = FALSE, and no key is pressed, zero
is returned.
See also keycode.h
DESQversion(), getc_match(), getk(), getc_match(),
getlogical(), getyn(), inkey(), inkeyc(),
inkeycdv(), tocapkey()
Example #include <keyboard.h>
#include <multihk.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int c;
c = inkeydv(WAIT);
printf("Key code # in keycode.h: %d\n", c);
See Also:
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Written by Dave Pearson