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Function intlen - calculate length of integer in a string
Syntax int intlen(char *number);
Prototype in stringhk.h
Remarks intlen calculates the length of an integer in the
string number. The integer is terminated by a
non-digit (any character other than 0-9.) This
function is used internally by strcomma.
Return value the length of the integer pointed to by number.
Example #include <stringhk.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* for the printf */
#include <alloc.h> /* for the calloc */
char *sint[15];
int len;
printf("String: %s Length of integer: %d\n"
, sint, intlen(sint));
printf("String: %s Length of integer: %d\n"
, sint, intlen(sint));
printf("String: %s Length of integer: %d\n"
, sint, intlen(sint));
Program output String: 1839.44 Length of integer: 4
String: 19,848 Length of integer: 2
String: 44x993 Length of integer: 2
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Written by Dave Pearson