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Publikacje na temat SuperMemo
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Publikacje autor�w SuperMemo

  1. Abramowicz, W., Wozniak, P.A., 1997, Enhancing hypertext documents by processing attributes and repetition spacing. Systemy hipertekstu w ekonomii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Ekonomicznej, Poznan, Poland
  2. Abramowicz, W., Wozniak, P.A., 1997, The educational technology of repetition spacing in information systems development, in: Wojkowski et al. Systems development Methods for the Next Century, Plenum Press,New York, 1997, 341-344.
  3. Biedalak, K. 1991, SuperMemo 5 User's Guide. SuperMemo World
  4. Biedalak K., Wozniak, P.A, 1996, Build your Vocabulary with SuperMemo. Spotlight, Vol 10, p. 4
  5. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A. 1990, A model of the presynaptic terminal of the adrenergic synapse. Proceedings of 10th International Biophysics Congress, Vancouver, Canada, p. 404
  6. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A. 1991, Hypothetical model of processes involved in the release of norepinephrine in the adrenergic synapse. BioSystems, Vol. 25, pp. 275-281
  7. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A. 1994, A mathematical model of processes involved in long-term potentiation. Abstracts of the 30-th Congress of Polish Biochemical Society, Szczecin, Poland (in Polish)
  8. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1995, Looking for objects and parameters of the model of molecular processes underlying declarative memory. Proceedings of Cybernetical Modeling of Biological Processes, Cracow 1995 (in Polish)
  9. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1995, Theoretical basis of the SuperMemo algorithm. Proceedings of the I-st International Congress on Education in Nursing, Gniezno, 1995 (in Polish)
  10. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1995, A hypothetical model of molecular processes involved in formation of declarative memory. Abstracts of the 31-th Congress of Polish Biochemical Society, Warsaw, Poland (in Polish)
  11. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., 1995, A molecular explanation of two independent components of long-term memory: hypothesis. First Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Marseille, France
  12. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1996, A proposition on the functions of objects in a synapse taking place in the process of forming long-term memory on the basis of experimentally determined variables of memory. Abstracts of the 32-th Congress of Polish Biochemical Society, Warsaw, Cracow (in Polish)
  13. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1996, Assisting declarative memory with the repetition spacing method. Abstracts of the 27-th Congress of Polish Neurological Society, Warsaw, Katowice (in Polish)
  14. Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., 1996, A new approach to studying molecular memory based on understanding the optimum repetition spacing in learning. Second Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Rome, Italy
  15. Gorzelanczyk, E.J., Wozniak, P.A., Chrzastowska, H., 1998, Investigating the correlations between the intelligence and the performance in repetitive learning tasks. 3rd Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies, Sevilla, Spain, September 1998
  16. Strykowski W., Media and Education; eMP2, 1998 (pp.219-231); Gorzelanczyk E.J, Wozniak P.A., Repetition sequencing method in optimization of multimedia teaching (in Polish)
  17. Wharton, Ch., Wozniak, P.A., 1994, SuperMemo. CALICO Journal. Vol. 12, No 1, p.66-70
  18. Wozniak, P.A., 1990, Optimization of learning. Master's Thesis. Technical University of Pozna�
  19. Wozniak, P.A., 1991, SuperMemo 6 for DOS. SuperMemo World
  20. Wozniak, P.A., Biedalak, K., 1992, Optymalizacja uczenia sie metoda SuperMemo [Optimization of learning with the SuperMemo method]. In: Contemporary Applications of Computer Science. Polish Information Processing Society, p. 93-102 (in Polish)
  21. Wozniak, P.A., Biedalak, K., 1992, The SuperMemo method - optimization of learning. Informatyka, Vol. 10, p. 1 (in Polish)
  22. Wozniak, P.A., Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1992, Optimal scheduling of repetitions in paired-associate learning. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, Vol. 52, p. 189
  23. Wozniak, P.A., 1993, A new method of fast learning and its software implementation. Polish Technical Review, Vol. 1, p. 8
  24. Wozniak, P.A., 1993, SuperMemo as a new tool increasing productivity of a programmer. Proceedings of the V-th International School of Polish Information Processing Society, Szczyrk 1993
  25. Wozniak, P.A., 1993, SuperMemo as a new tool increasing productivity of a programmer. Informatyka, Vol. 12, p. 1-11
  26. Wozniak, P.A., 1994, Speed-learning with SuperMemo 7 for Windows. SuperMemo World
  27. Wozniak, P.A., Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1994, Optimization of repetition spacing in the practice of learning. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, Vol. 54, p. 59-62
  28. Wozniak, P.A., 1994, SuperMemo: Polish speed-learning technology. Multimedia release on CD-ROM. Polish Technical Review. 5-6, p. 30-31
  29. Wozniak P.A, Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Murakowski J., 1995, Two components of long-term memory. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, Vol. 55, p. 301-305
  30. Wozniak, P.A., 1995, Selling and marketing Polish software applications. Case study: SuperMemo. Proceedings of the V-th Forum of Information Technologies, Mragowo, 1995
  31. Wozniak, P.A., 1995, Economics of learning. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Economics in Wroclaw
  32. Wozniak, P.A., Abramowicz, W., 1997, The educational technology of repetition spacing in Information Systems Development, Sixth International Conference on Information Systems Development, Boise, Idaho, USA
  33. Wozniak, P.A., Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1998, Applications of repetition spacing in neurological studies. The 8-th Meeting of the European Neurological Society, Nice, France.
  34. Wozniak, P.A., Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1998, Hypothetical molecular correlates of the two-component model of long-term memory. The 7-th International Symposium of the Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular Biology UNESCO/PAS. June 9-10, 1998
  35. Wozniak, P.A., 1999, Exploring e-commerce for innovative products. Case in point: SuperMemo. Accepted for Scientific Sessions at Business Information Systems 1999, Poznan, Poland

Patrz r�wnie� SuperMemo User Survey opublikowany w SuperMemo World's Newsletter No. 4, 1995.

Publikacje w prasie popularnej

  1. Allen A., Top Technology, The Polish Gazette, Oct 1995, England
  2. Baranek T., SuperMemo 7.0 - kdo chce, ten umi [SuperMemo - who wants, he can]. Cena/Vykon, Mar 1994, Czech Republic
  3. Bergfors J., SuperMemo. Polskt program passar plugghast [Polish cramware]. MikroDatorn, Mar 1993, Sweden
  4. Bergfors J. Plugga och lar, nu utan besvar [Learn fast and forget about forgetting]. MikroDatorn, Jun 1993, Sweden
  5. Byte International, Speed-learning software, Dec 1993, p. IS-48, USA
  6. Byte International, Learning Tool on CD, Jun 1995, p. IS-40 24, USA
  7. Chabinski A., Repetitio est mater studiorum, SuperMemo version 7.2, Chip, Jul 1994, p.54-55, Poland
  8. Chabinski A., Advanced English z SuperMemo 8, Chip, Mar 1998, Poland
  9. Chip, SuperMemo 6 a 7, Feb 1994, p. 173, Czech Republic
  10. Chip, Nowe dziecko SuperMemo World [A new child of SuperMemo World], Dec 1995, Poland
  11. Dramczyk B., SuperMemo version 2.0, Powtorka z powtarzania [Repetition on repetitions]. Commodore&Amiga, Sep 1994, p. 16-17, Poland
  12. Dramczyk B., SuperMemo 3.0, jak skutecznie zapamietac [How to remember effectively]. Bajtek, May 1996, p. 17-19, Poland
  13. Drazek T., Przedluzamy pamiec [Strengthening memory]. PC World Komputer, Jul-Aug 1994, p.95, Poland
  14. Duda�ko T., V�tecn�, ale nezn�m� (SuperMemo). Computer, Vol. 5, 1998, Czech Republic
  15. Dziekanska E., Learn and have fun. Chip, Dec 1996, Poland
  16. Enter, Genius Piotra Wozniaka, Nov 1995, Poland
  17. Grabowski J., Forget about forgetting [Zapomnie� o zapominaniu]. PC Kurier, Aug 20, 1992, Poland
  18. Gradisnik J., SuperMemo 7.2 - Repetitio mater studiorum est. WIN.INI, Vol 6, p.26-28, 1994, Slovenia
  19. Gryciuk W., SuperMemo 7 for Windows, Computerworld, Sep 27, 1993, Poland
  20. Gryciuk W., Gold medal for SuperMemo at Infosystem [SuperMemo - zloty medal na Infosystemie], Computerworld, May 30, 1994, p.6, Poland
  21. Gryciuk W., SuperMemo. A remedy for the forgetful. Warsaw Voice, April 9, 1995, p. A5-A6, Poland
  22. Hajny F., SuperMemo: z�zrak na vtlouk�n� do hlavy?, PC Magazine 10/94, Czech Republic
  23. Hausner M., A little bit super ... [Neco super ...], PC World, Jul 1994, p.45-46, Czech Republic
  24. Horode�ski A., Scientific conquest of forgetful memory [Cud niepamieci naukowo okie�znany]. Computerworld, Feb 17, 1992, Poland
  25. Horode�ski A., SuperMemo - trener szarych kom�rek [SuperMemo - a brain cell developer]. Computerworld, Jun 8, 1992, Poland
  26. Humlicek P., Repetitio mater studiorum est, Computer, Jan 1995, p.4-5, Czech Republic
  27. Jablonski W., Pierwsze kroki Geniusza [The first steps of Genius], Bajtek, Mar 1996, Poland
  28. Janca J., Nenasytn� studenti si mohou snadno vytv�ret jak�koliv vlastn� datab�ze, Multimedia 9/10, 1995, Czech Republic
  29. Janca J., SuperMemo (CHIP CD 3/97), Jun 1997, p.98-99, Czech Republic
  30. Jemielniak D., Gdybym mowil jezykami... [If I spoke languages], Enter, Jan 1997, p.38-48, Poland
  31. Jemielniak D., Super SuperMemo!, PC Kurier, Feb 12, 1998, Poland
  32. Inprise Corp., Case Study: SuperMemo 98, Inprise Corporate Website, Nov 1998, USA
  33. Korec P., Brana nejen jazykum otverena [A gate for languages is open]. PC World, Jul 1994, p.44-45, Czech Republic
  34. Kowalski J., SuperMemo (1). Forget about forgetting [Zapomnij o zapominaniu ]. Enter, Oct 1994, p.88-90, Poland
  35. Kowalski J., SuperMemo (2). Forget about forgetting [Zapomnij o zapominaniu ]. Enter, Nov 1994, Poland
  36. Kuvaja S., Panttayspaketti kielten opiskeluun. Mikrobitti, 6-7, 1996, Finland
  37. Liszewski P., SuperMemo CD-ROM. PC World Komputer, Apr 1995, Poland
  38. MicroPC, Memory devil with the help of a micro, Jun 1994, Finland
  39. Mlodzki J., From an idea to an industry. Interview with Piotr Wozniak, the author of SuperMemo [Od pomyslu do przemyslu. Rozmowa z panem Piotrem Wozniakiem, tworca metody SuperMemo], Bajtek, Jul 1994, p.18-19, Poland
  40. Pampuch M., SuperMemo. Amiga, Sep 1993, Poland
  41. Partycka D., SuperMemo 6. Swiat PC-t�w, Jul 1993, Poland
  42. Pietras Br0mba M., Learn fast and forget about forgetting [SuperMemo czyli ucz sie szybko i zapomnij o zapominaniu]. Bajtek, Jan 1993, Poland
  43. Pietrao Br0mba M., SuperMemo 7.2PL dla Windows, Bajtek, Sep 1994, p.16, Poland
  44. Pietrzak R., Geniusz pamieci [Genius of memory], Dziennik Pomorski, Feb 20, p.10, Poland
  45. PC Kurier, Genius 1.0 - A new product from SuperMemo World, Aug 17, 1995, Poland
  46. PC Magazine Po Polsku, Genius - A new product from SuperMemo World, Sep 1995, Poland
  47. PC World, SuperMemo 8.3: Anglictina pro zac�tecn�ky i pokrocil�, 8/1998, Czech Republic
  48. P��ciennik P., Szybka nauka [Fast learning]. Gazeta Wyborcza, Oct 18, 1993, Poland
  49. Reisch E., Perfection reached. SuperMemo for Windows [Das Klassenziel Erreicht, SuperMemo fur Windows]. Chip, Feb 1995, p.82-84, Germany
  50. Rekunen V., SuperMemo Europack Pro, Tietokone, Maaliskuu 1995, p. 79, Finland
  51. Schibel J., Roz�irte svou pamet, Cena/Vykon 17/94, Czech Republic
  52. Spruit K., SuperMemo for Windows. Computer Totaal, Mar 1995, p.119, Holland
  53. Szewczyk T., Genius 1.0, Computer World, Sep 11, 1995, Poland
  54. Tietokone, SuperMemo Europack Pro, Toukokuu 1995, p. 67, Finland
  55. Topol P., Kilka slow o SuperMemo [A few words about SuperMemo]. Edukacja Medialna, Vol. 2, Dec 1996, p. 56-58, Poland
  56. Wimmer P., Praising SuperMemo [Pochwa�a SuperMemo]. Enter, Oct 1992, Poland
  57. Wimmer P., Super SuperMemo. PC Kurier, Sep 30, 1993, Poland
  58. Wimmer P., SuperMemo kontra Sclerosis Mentis. PC Kurier, Dec 8, 1994, Poland
  59. Wimmer P., Genius loci. PC Kurier, Nov 7, 1996, Poland
  60. Wimmer P. Powrot do przyszlosci - SuperMemo 8 [Back to the future - SuperMemo 8]. PC Kurier, Sep 25, 1997, p. 108-109, Poland
  61. Wrobel M. Line wine - SuperMemo 8 [Jak wino ... - SuperMemo 8]. Chip, Nov 1997, p. 113, Poland
  62. Wysocki P., SuperMemo is back. Bankrut 60, 1997, p. 18, Poland
  63. Zwierzchowski Z., Nastepca nazywa sie Genius [The heir is called Genius], Rzeczpospolita, Aug 24, 1995, Poland
  64. Zwierzchowski Z., The vocabulary of an educated American [Slownictwo wyksztalconego Amerykanina], Rzeczpospolita, Magazine, Oct 1996, p. 32, Poland

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