na temat SuperMemo
Uwaga. Publikacje dost�pne w
internecie s� podkre�lone. SuperMemo World nie
rozprowadza kopii drukowanych. |
autor�w SuperMemo
- Abramowicz, W., Wozniak, P.A., 1997,
Enhancing hypertext documents by processing
attributes and repetition spacing. Systemy
hipertekstu w ekonomii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe
Akademii Ekonomicznej, Poznan, Poland
- Abramowicz, W., Wozniak, P.A., 1997,
The educational technology of repetition spacing
in information systems development, in: Wojkowski
et al. Systems development Methods for the Next
Century, Plenum Press,New York, 1997, 341-344.
- Biedalak, K. 1991,
SuperMemo 5 User's Guide. SuperMemo World
- Biedalak K., Wozniak,
P.A, 1996, Build your Vocabulary with
Spotlight, Vol 10, p. 4
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A. 1990, A model of the presynaptic
terminal of the adrenergic synapse. Proceedings
of 10th International Biophysics Congress,
Vancouver, Canada, p. 404
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A. 1991, Hypothetical model of
processes involved in the release of
norepinephrine in the adrenergic synapse.
BioSystems, Vol. 25, pp. 275-281
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A. 1994, A mathematical model of
processes involved in long-term potentiation.
Abstracts of the 30-th Congress of Polish
Biochemical Society, Szczecin, Poland (in Polish)
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1995, Looking for
objects and parameters of the model of molecular
processes underlying declarative memory.
Proceedings of Cybernetical Modeling of
Biological Processes, Cracow 1995 (in Polish)
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1995, Theoretical
basis of the SuperMemo algorithm. Proceedings of
the I-st International Congress on Education in
Nursing, Gniezno, 1995 (in Polish)
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1995, A hypothetical
model of molecular processes involved in
formation of declarative memory. Abstracts of the
31-th Congress of Polish Biochemical Society,
Warsaw, Poland (in Polish)
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., 1995, A molecular explanation of
two independent components of long-term memory:
hypothesis. First Congress of the European
Federation of Neurological Societies, Marseille,
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1996, A proposition
on the functions of objects in a synapse taking
place in the process of forming long-term memory
on the basis of experimentally determined
variables of memory. Abstracts of the 32-th
Congress of Polish Biochemical Society, Warsaw,
Cracow (in Polish)
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., Schneider Z., 1996, Assisting
declarative memory with the repetition spacing
method. Abstracts of the 27-th Congress of Polish
Neurological Society, Warsaw, Katowice (in
- Gorzela�czyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., 1996, A new approach to studying
molecular memory based on understanding the
optimum repetition spacing in learning. Second
Congress of the European Federation of
Neurological Societies, Rome, Italy
- Gorzelanczyk, E.J.,
Wozniak, P.A., Chrzastowska, H., 1998, Investigating the
correlations between the intelligence and the
performance in repetitive learning tasks. 3rd Congress of the
European Federation of Neurological Societies,
Sevilla, Spain, September 1998
- Strykowski W., Media
and Education; eMP2, 1998 (pp.219-231);
Gorzelanczyk E.J, Wozniak P.A., Repetition
sequencing method in optimization of multimedia
teaching (in Polish)
- Wharton, Ch.,
Wozniak, P.A., 1994, SuperMemo. CALICO Journal.
Vol. 12, No 1, p.66-70
- Wozniak, P.A., 1990, Optimization of learning. Master's Thesis.
Technical University of Pozna�
- Wozniak, P.A., 1991,
SuperMemo 6 for DOS. SuperMemo World
- Wozniak, P.A.,
Biedalak, K., 1992, Optymalizacja uczenia sie
metoda SuperMemo [Optimization of learning with
the SuperMemo method]. In: Contemporary
Applications of Computer Science. Polish
Information Processing Society, p. 93-102 (in
- Wozniak, P.A.,
Biedalak, K., 1992, The SuperMemo method -
optimization of learning. Informatyka, Vol. 10,
p. 1 (in Polish)
- Wozniak,
P.A., Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1992, Optimal
scheduling of repetitions in paired-associate
learning. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis,
Vol. 52, p. 189
- Wozniak, P.A., 1993,
A new method of fast learning and its software
implementation. Polish Technical Review, Vol. 1,
p. 8
- Wozniak, P.A., 1993,
SuperMemo as a new tool increasing productivity
of a programmer. Proceedings of the V-th
International School of Polish Information
Processing Society, Szczyrk 1993
- Wozniak, P.A., 1993, SuperMemo as a new tool
increasing productivity of a programmer. Informatyka, Vol. 12, p.
- Wozniak, P.A., 1994,
Speed-learning with SuperMemo 7 for Windows.
SuperMemo World
- Wozniak,
P.A., Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1994, Optimization of
repetition spacing in the practice of learning.
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, Vol. 54, p.
- Wozniak, P.A., 1994,
SuperMemo: Polish speed-learning technology.
Multimedia release on CD-ROM. Polish Technical
Review. 5-6, p. 30-31
- Wozniak P.A,
Gorzela�czyk, E.J., Murakowski J., 1995, Two
components of long-term memory. Acta
Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, Vol. 55, p.
- Wozniak, P.A., 1995,
Selling and marketing Polish software
applications. Case study: SuperMemo. Proceedings
of the V-th Forum of Information Technologies,
Mragowo, 1995
- Wozniak, P.A., 1995, Economics of learning. Doctoral Dissertation.
University of Economics in Wroclaw
- Wozniak, P.A., Abramowicz, W., 1997, The educational
technology of repetition spacing in Information
Systems Development, Sixth International
Conference on Information Systems Development,
Boise, Idaho, USA
- Wozniak, P.A.,
Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1998, Applications of
repetition spacing in neurological studies. The
8-th Meeting of the European Neurological
Society, Nice, France.
- Wozniak, P.A.,
Gorzela�czyk, E.J., 1998, Hypothetical molecular
correlates of the two-component model of
long-term memory. The 7-th International Symposium of
the Polish Network of Molecular and Cellular
UNESCO/PAS. June 9-10, 1998
- Wozniak, P.A., 1999, Exploring e-commerce for
innovative products. Case in point: SuperMemo. Accepted for Scientific
Sessions at Business Information Systems 1999, Poznan, Poland
Patrz r�wnie� SuperMemo User Survey opublikowany w SuperMemo World's
Newsletter No. 4, 1995.
Publikacje w prasie
- Allen A., Top
Technology, The Polish Gazette, Oct 1995, England
- Baranek T., SuperMemo
7.0 - kdo chce, ten umi [SuperMemo - who wants,
he can]. Cena/Vykon, Mar 1994, Czech Republic
- Bergfors J.,
SuperMemo. Polskt program passar plugghast
[Polish cramware]. MikroDatorn, Mar 1993, Sweden
- Bergfors J. Plugga
och lar, nu utan besvar [Learn fast and forget
about forgetting]. MikroDatorn, Jun 1993, Sweden
- Byte International,
Speed-learning software, Dec 1993, p. IS-48, USA
- Byte International,
Learning Tool on CD, Jun 1995, p. IS-40 24, USA
- Chabinski A.,
Repetitio est mater studiorum, SuperMemo version
7.2, Chip, Jul 1994, p.54-55, Poland
- Chabinski A., Advanced English z
SuperMemo 8,
Chip, Mar 1998, Poland
- Chip, SuperMemo 6 a
7, Feb 1994, p. 173, Czech Republic
- Chip, Nowe dziecko
SuperMemo World [A new child of SuperMemo World],
Dec 1995, Poland
- Dramczyk B.,
SuperMemo version 2.0, Powtorka z powtarzania
[Repetition on repetitions]. Commodore&Amiga,
Sep 1994, p. 16-17, Poland
- Dramczyk B.,
SuperMemo 3.0, jak skutecznie zapamietac [How to
remember effectively]. Bajtek, May 1996, p.
17-19, Poland
- Drazek T.,
Przedluzamy pamiec [Strengthening memory]. PC
World Komputer, Jul-Aug 1994, p.95, Poland
- Duda�ko T.,
V�tecn�, ale nezn�m� (SuperMemo). Computer,
Vol. 5, 1998, Czech Republic
- Dziekanska E., Learn
and have fun. Chip, Dec 1996, Poland
- Enter, Genius Piotra
Wozniaka, Nov 1995, Poland
- Grabowski J., Forget
about forgetting [Zapomnie� o zapominaniu]. PC
Kurier, Aug 20, 1992, Poland
- Gradisnik J.,
SuperMemo 7.2 - Repetitio mater studiorum est.
WIN.INI, Vol 6, p.26-28, 1994, Slovenia
- Gryciuk W., SuperMemo
7 for Windows, Computerworld, Sep 27, 1993,
- Gryciuk W., Gold
medal for SuperMemo at Infosystem [SuperMemo -
zloty medal na Infosystemie], Computerworld, May
30, 1994, p.6, Poland
- Gryciuk W., SuperMemo. A remedy for the
Warsaw Voice, April 9, 1995, p. A5-A6, Poland
- Hajny F., SuperMemo:
z�zrak na vtlouk�n� do hlavy?, PC Magazine
10/94, Czech Republic
- Hausner M., A little
bit super ... [Neco super ...], PC World, Jul
1994, p.45-46, Czech Republic
- Horode�ski A., Scientific conquest of
forgetful memory [Cud niepamieci naukowo
okie�znany]. Computerworld, Feb 17, 1992, Poland
- Horode�ski A.,
SuperMemo - trener szarych kom�rek [SuperMemo -
a brain cell developer]. Computerworld, Jun 8,
1992, Poland
- Humlicek P.,
Repetitio mater studiorum est, Computer, Jan
1995, p.4-5, Czech Republic
- Jablonski W.,
Pierwsze kroki Geniusza [The first steps of
Genius], Bajtek, Mar 1996, Poland
- Janca J., Nenasytn�
studenti si mohou snadno vytv�ret jak�koliv
vlastn� datab�ze, Multimedia 9/10, 1995, Czech
- Janca J., SuperMemo
(CHIP CD 3/97), Jun 1997, p.98-99, Czech Republic
- Jemielniak D., Gdybym
mowil jezykami... [If I spoke languages], Enter,
Jan 1997, p.38-48, Poland
- Jemielniak D., Super
SuperMemo!, PC Kurier, Feb 12, 1998, Poland
- Inprise Corp., Case Study: SuperMemo 98, Inprise Corporate
Website, Nov 1998, USA
- Korec P., Brana nejen
jazykum otverena [A gate for languages is open].
PC World, Jul 1994, p.44-45, Czech Republic
- Kowalski J., SuperMemo (1). Forget about
[Zapomnij o zapominaniu ]. Enter, Oct 1994,
p.88-90, Poland
- Kowalski J.,
SuperMemo (2). Forget about forgetting [Zapomnij
o zapominaniu ]. Enter, Nov 1994, Poland
- Kuvaja S.,
Panttayspaketti kielten opiskeluun. Mikrobitti,
6-7, 1996, Finland
- Liszewski P.,
SuperMemo CD-ROM. PC World Komputer, Apr 1995,
- MicroPC, Memory devil
with the help of a micro, Jun 1994, Finland
- Mlodzki J., From an idea to an
industry. Interview with Piotr Wozniak, the
author of SuperMemo [Od pomyslu do przemyslu. Rozmowa z
panem Piotrem Wozniakiem, tworca metody
SuperMemo], Bajtek, Jul 1994, p.18-19, Poland
- Pampuch M.,
SuperMemo. Amiga, Sep 1993, Poland
- Partycka D.,
SuperMemo 6. Swiat PC-t�w, Jul 1993, Poland
- Pietras Br0mba M., Learn fast and forget about
[SuperMemo czyli ucz sie szybko i zapomnij o
zapominaniu]. Bajtek, Jan 1993, Poland
- Pietrao Br0mba M.,
SuperMemo 7.2PL dla Windows, Bajtek, Sep 1994,
p.16, Poland
- Pietrzak R., Geniusz
pamieci [Genius of memory], Dziennik Pomorski,
Feb 20, p.10, Poland
- PC Kurier, Genius 1.0
- A new product from SuperMemo World, Aug 17,
1995, Poland
- PC Magazine Po
Polsku, Genius - A new product from SuperMemo
World, Sep 1995, Poland
- PC World, SuperMemo
8.3: Anglictina pro zac�tecn�ky i pokrocil�,
8/1998, Czech Republic
- P��ciennik P.,
Szybka nauka [Fast learning]. Gazeta Wyborcza,
Oct 18, 1993, Poland
- Reisch E., Perfection reached.
SuperMemo for Windows [Das Klassenziel Erreicht,
SuperMemo fur Windows]. Chip, Feb 1995, p.82-84,
- Rekunen V., SuperMemo
Europack Pro, Tietokone, Maaliskuu 1995, p. 79,
- Schibel J., Roz�irte
svou pamet, Cena/Vykon 17/94, Czech Republic
- Spruit K., SuperMemo
for Windows. Computer Totaal, Mar 1995, p.119,
- Szewczyk T., Genius
1.0, Computer World, Sep 11, 1995, Poland
- Tietokone, SuperMemo
Europack Pro, Toukokuu 1995, p. 67, Finland
- Topol P., Kilka slow
o SuperMemo [A few words about SuperMemo].
Edukacja Medialna, Vol. 2, Dec 1996, p. 56-58,
- Wimmer P., Praising
SuperMemo [Pochwa�a SuperMemo]. Enter, Oct 1992,
- Wimmer P., Super
SuperMemo. PC Kurier, Sep 30, 1993, Poland
- Wimmer P., SuperMemo
kontra Sclerosis Mentis. PC Kurier, Dec 8, 1994,
- Wimmer P., Genius
loci. PC Kurier, Nov 7, 1996, Poland
- Wimmer P. Powrot do
przyszlosci - SuperMemo 8 [Back to the future -
SuperMemo 8]. PC Kurier, Sep 25, 1997, p.
108-109, Poland
- Wrobel M. Line wine - SuperMemo 8
[Jak wino ... - SuperMemo 8]. Chip, Nov 1997, p.
113, Poland
- Wysocki P., SuperMemo
is back. Bankrut 60, 1997, p. 18, Poland
- Zwierzchowski Z.,
Nastepca nazywa sie Genius [The heir is called
Genius], Rzeczpospolita, Aug 24, 1995, Poland
- Zwierzchowski Z., The
vocabulary of an educated American [Slownictwo
wyksztalconego Amerykanina], Rzeczpospolita,
Magazine, Oct 1996, p. 32, Poland
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