Image; GIF 4K

FileStore CMOS RAM



  The FileStore CMOS RAM:

  Byte(s)     Function
  0 - 13      Real time clock

  14          The server station number

  15          255 - server station number (used as a check)

  16 - 19     -

  20          If error: Error code

  21          If error: X register

  22          If error: Y register

  23          If error: Address MSB \
                                     >-  addr = ?23 + &100 + ?24
  24          If error: Address LSB /

  25 - 27     If error: 24bit SIN

  28          Maximum users allowed to log on

  29          Configured drives + 1

  30 - 35     Printer server name (disabled if 30 = 0)

  36 - 46     Username set by *FSUser

  47          Check byte for FSuser name 

  48          Printer page feeds

  49          If = 0 then copyright check is on

  50 - 63     -

The code to perform the reading is:

  LDA #5
  LDX #(address MOD &100)
  LDY #(address DIV &100)
Where address is where you want the result to be stored to (which should not be the same place you decide to poke your code into the server memory). As a BASIC function to prebuild this code segment, it appears as:
  buffy%?0 = &A9
  buffy%?1 = 5
  buffy%?2 = &A2
  buffy%?3 = address% MOD 256
  buffy%?4 = &A0
  buffy%?5 = address% DIV 256
  buffy%?6 = &20
  buffy%?7 = &FFF1 MOD 256
  buffy%?8 = &FFF1 DIV 256
  buffy%?9 = &60
This code is poked into the FileStore at the address you have decided (with *FSProt off!). You should then Remote_JSR to your code. Finally, peek the address that you have specified to store the result to. The result is at offset +4; so read back 6 bytes, the result it buffy%?4.

If this all looks a bit of a hassle - remember that !FSutil can do this all for you, and write data back to CMOS if necessary.

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Copyright © 1999 Richard Murray