Econet Enthusiasts Area
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Welcome to the Econet Enthusiasts Area (EEA for short). My intention
here is to document Econet, and to provide you with the information you require.
My intentions may be laudable, or they may be laughable. Either way,
I hope for this to be the place you come when you need to know something about Econet.
This area has been redesigned and extended. I hope the changes make the
EEA more user-friendly. Please let me know what you think...
Please note:
- A lot of the information here has been derived from guesswork and fiddling with the
hardware involved. Therefore, standard disclaimers apply. Errors & Omissions
Excepted, etc, etc...
- The contents of this Econet area are © Copyright 1999 Richard Murray. You are
allowed to provide a link to this index from your own site, but not to copy the
content of the Econet area.
- Permission is not granted for the content of the Econet area to be collected
and distributed on a BBS or CD-ROM or any other kind of storage media unless
you have prior written permission from myself.
- Anybody selling this documentation, or any of the software provided, will be
prosecuted to the fullest extent permissable by law. I'm an easy-going person. Try
asking first, okay?
- "Acorn", "Archimedes", "RiscOS", and "Econet"
are trademarks of Acorn Computers Limited.
- Neither this area, nor myself, are in any way affiliated with Acorn Computers Ltd. or Argo
Interactive. If you have a comment or complaint about this site, please email (myself).
- Econet rocks.
Last update 01/11/1999.
27th September 2000:
Due to a peculiar failure of the MDFS power supply (I've not stripped the machine to figure out
what exactly happened), my Econet system is totally non-functional. Let's just say I required
five 13A fuses and I think the thing has not only fried the MDFS, but every line driver in every
bit of Econet equipment here.
It's times like this when you need a sense of humour!
Obviously, I'll try to fix the stuff. But if not, I'm afraid this may well mark the end of my
association with that little ADLC. Can't do much with dead equipment - I should know, got tonnes
of useless crap lying around!
Sigh! And I did so want to bodge an Econet card into the RiscPC backplane and see if I could get
the firmware talking to it.
Oh well, we'll see... It'll have to wait to November, if not later...
Other servers:
- Econet bridge (Acorn).
- Econet bridge (SJ Research).
Miscellaneous hardware:
Network testing:
- Testing the network wiring.
- Testing the clock.
By Alan Williams...
By Richard Murray...
By J.G.Harston...
"Thank you"s to:
Alan Williams, Jonathan Balls, Philip Blundell, Glenn Richards, Owen Smith, J.G. Harston, & Christopher Dawkins.
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Copyright © 1999 Richard Murray