The MDFS uses a Z80 processor, possibly clocked at 4MHz. The Econet interface is an unusual arrangement with the serial I/O chip; instead of using a 6854 ADLC.
To the left of the processor is an 8K EPROM which contains the base services of the server. Consider this similar to the BIOS in a PC.
There is 256K RAM onboard, half of which is taken by the server code when loaded.
Finally, the server provides a host of interface options; serial and parallel printer, two floppy interfaces (giving four drives in total), and on-board SCSI.
Click here for a circuit diagram of the MDFS
It is a large image, so those of you with lower-end machines may prefer to download the original
DrawFile, click here for that.
All of this information has been made by observation only. If anybody has a circuit diagram or service guide for the MDFS, please let me know...