About APDL
Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals.
APDL was the first independent Public Domain and Shareware library for the Acorn Archimedes computer, formed just after the first machine appeared in 1987. That's why it doesn't have a fancy name, it was the Archimedes Public Domain Library. Other libraries have come and gone, but APDL is still here. In fact, we've been around so long that even Acorn Computers have vanished and the Archimedes name for their original RISC processor machines is almost forgotten.
Over the years we have expanded and taken over the three other major libraries, DataStream, Arch Angel and The Datafile. The fact that APDL is still thriving and growing says more about the quality of our products and services than anything else.
Although we now do much more than distribute PD and Shareware a significant part of our business is still supplying PD and Shareware programs on CD and floppy disc. This we do to Acorn and RISC OS enthusiasts all over the world. Despite the easy availability of software via the internet a PD library is still a convenient way to obtain programs. Our PD CDs contain over 600 Mb of compressed material each. It would take weeks of browsing to find just a fraction of this on the internet.
As well as thousands of programs we are also the specialists for Clip Art. We have more than three Gigabytes of clip art of all types, over 700 floppy discs, all ready-to-use in Acorn format, and we have four 'own brand' Clip Art CDs plus various others.
PD and Shareware are certainly not forgotten but are now only a small part of the service APDL provides. We are a leading (probably the leading) supplier of hard drives, CD ROM drives and CD writers for RISC OS systems, and produce the best and fastest IDE expansion cards. We also have an extensive and expanding range of software of all types, some distributed under the APDL - ProAction brand and some through the iSV Products label.
In late 1999 APDL took the important step of producing the first ever CD magazine for RISC OS computers, RISC World. No less than three magazines had closed during the preceding years and we felt RISC OS users deserved a wider choice. RISC World is now an established part of the RISC OS landscape, and continues to go from strength to strength. To find out more see the RISC World page on this site or visit the official RISC World web site
Some time ago APDL took over DataStream and ArchAngel, and, more recently, The DataFile. Although these libraries have been incorporated into APDL people still sometimes ask for discs from their pre-takeover catalogues. We can still supply most of these so if you do want a DataStream, ArchAngel or DataFile disc for some reason then the prices are -
- ArchAngel - £1.40 per 800K discs, £1.80 per 1.6Mb disc.
- DataStream - £1.40 per disc.
- DataFile - £1.40 per disc. DataFile CDs
are still available - see the CD section of the catalogue.
In all cases these prices include U.K. post but there are no Bonus discs. 'Pick n Mix' discs cannot be supplied. Some discs and most 'Packs' of discs may no longer be available. Cheques should be made payable to APDL or the cost can be added to the price of any APDL items you are ordering at the same time.
Note that the fonts previously supplied by DataFile were not transferred to APDL and a separate company has been set up by Dave Macartney to supply them.