Special offers and BargainsEx-demo machinesWe have two very special Microdigital Mico computers. These have been used for demonstration purposes only and are offered boxed, 'as new', with full warranty. They have a higher specification than the standard machine, which is described in detail later on this page.
Secondhand computersWe have a variety of secondhand computers of various types, ranging from A7000s to a limited number of RiscPCs, from prices as low as £70. Most machines have CD ROMs.We also have a few A3020 machines which are offered free to good homes. All have 4Mb RAM. The only cost will be a £5 handling charge plus carriage at cost. Lowest price ever for RISC OS CD re-writerWe have a limited number of 8x4x32x CD re-writers at just £39 inc. VAT. or just £89 with CDburn. Ideal for connecting to the motherboard IDE interface on a RiscPC where anything faster won't work.CD writer packageOK, you're going to by a CD writer but you're going to need a copy of CDburn, and a bigger hard drive to store all that data and create your ISO images, and a faster IDE interface so it won't keep you waiting, and some media to get you started . . . . .So we've put together an incredible value package you can't afford to miss
Just add £8 UK carriage 17" LCD monitorsWe have a limited number of 17" LCD monitors. These are 1280 x 1024 resolution with a 400:1 contrast ratio. Get rid of that old AKF85!Bargain price - only £449 including VAT. UK carriage £12.50. EDO SIMMSWork perfectly on most RiscPCs and A7000s.
Bitfolio 7 Clip Art CDs10,000 professional quality images all in Acorn Drawfile format. Complete with 270 page colour index. Probably the best ever Acorn format clip art CD. Previously sold at £69 + VAT, the APDL price is just £25 including VAT..A3000 and A3010 hard drives with interface
DataFile PD CDs.PD-2, PD-3, PD-4 or PD-5, just £2.50 each inclusive (plus 50p per CD post outside UK). All four DataFile PD CDs for just £8 (plus £1.50 post outside UK).Sorry cash or UK postage stamps only, no cheques or credit cards at this price. |