About !Rhapsody
Rhapsody is to a musical score what a word processor is to a book. It will enable you to enter a musical score into the computer; to edit it in all sorts of ways until it is perfect; to save it to disc; and to print it out on any printer in a variety of scales and formats.
In addition, Rhapsody will also let you perform your masterpiece, either through the Archimedes' own sound system or through any electronic instrument which is fitted with a MIDI port. (To do this you will also need a MIDI interface fitted inside your computer.)
All the essential facilities for producing a true musical score are provided, including repeats; dynamic markings; phrasing; crescendos and decrescendos; accelerandos and ritardandos; staccato and accented notes; trills and ornaments; guitar chords; etc. etc.
If you have a MIDI instrument, you can use it not only to play scores but also to help you put in your music. This can be done in real time while Rhapsody is playing the rest of the score, or it can be one note at a time for difficult passages.
Rhapsody understands both Maestro and MIDI files (as produced by programs like Serenade and Rhythm Bed ), and will convert these to Rhapsody's own format.
You can obtain extensive interactive help by running the !Help application on the disc supplied with your computer or in the applications folder in RISC OS 3.
Typographic conventions
- Instructions to press a key on the keyboard are shown in angled brackets eg <Return>. This means press the Return key on the keyboard.
- 'Click on Score to... ' means choose the item called 'Score' from a menu.
- Menu items which lead to sub-menus have an arrow after them: Score ->
- Something important always appears in bold.
Conventions used in this guide
We use the standard Acorn conventions for the mouse buttons:
- Select is the left button, and the most commonly used.
- Menu is the middle button and is used primarily for opening menus.
- Adjust is the right mouse button.
Unless otherwise stated Choose means move over something and click on it with Select or Adjust.
