1. Introduction
Card Shop is a multi mode design application for the range of Acorn RISC OS machines. A great deal of effort has gone into creating a visual user interface that gives access to the power of Card Shop without making it complex to use.
Card Shop provides a fixed framework within which you can: create and manipulate a card containing both pictures and text: print out and construct an envelope for the card and produce rows of 'stamps'.
Many features allow the easy import of graphics through menu systems, and automatic scaling and positioning of fonts.
Card Shop does not generate a single finished product, but a series of items that will require cutting out/assembly and possibly colouring. This is intentional to give children a wider range of associated activities. Since work can be done in stages, then Card Shop would be very useful in a situation where computer resources are limited.
Typographic conventions
- Mouse buttons or keys on the keyboard appear in bold type: SELECT
- Special terms or jargon appear in italics when first introduced: 'Context codes...'
- Instructions to press a key on the keyboard are shown in bold type eg. Return. This means press the Return key on the keyboard.
- Menu options that may be selected are in bold type: 'Click on Edit to... ' means choose the option called Edit from a menu.
- Menu options which lead to sub-menus have an arrow after them: Subset ->
- Options in dialogue boxes or options in windows arc in bold type: Initialise
- Something important always appears in bold.
Conventions used in this guide
We use the standard Acorn conventions for the mouse buttons:
- SELECT is the left button, and the most commonly used.
- MENU is the middle button and is used primarily for opening menus.
- ADJUST is the right mouse button.
Unless otherwise stated Choose or Click means move over something and Click on it with SELECT , or ADJUST .
Inserting a disc into the floppy disc drive and clicking on the disc drive icon is known as Mounting the disc. The disc's Directory display appears after you perform this operation.
Error or message dialogue boxes may appear from time to time. When they conk two action icons clicking OK will continue with the operation. CANCEL will abort it.
It is assumed that you have read the Welcome Guide supplied with your Archimedes and are familiar with the RISC OS Desktop environment.
Hard disc installation
This procedure is standard RISC OS. First select your preferred directory for the Card Shop application, and then drag the Card Shop icon to that directory display.
If you wish to use Card Shop in conjunction with other programs it may be sensible to have all of these applications in the same directory.
You have now completed installation of Card Shop on the hard disc. Whenever you are told to 'insert the work disc' elsewhere in this manual simply open the correct directory display on your hard disc.