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README file from "dat" directory

                 ~4Dgifts/toolbox/hardware/DATdriver README

	 	     A Sample User_Level SCSI DAT driver

Disclaimer notice:
	    This sample driver is for provided to give you an example of 
	how to use dslib routines.  It is NOT the aim of this driver to 
	replace the tape driver in IRIX nor it is to be used INSTEAD of 
	that driver.  It is simply a working user-level driver to be used
	and studied as an example of interfacing with the Scsi bus 
	through routines in the dslib library.

	    Scsi support for Indigo-2 is very modular and layered.  One 
	way to interface with the Scsi controller and pass Scsi commands
	to a device is by writing a kernel-level device driver.  A 
	simpler and more portable way is through a user-level device 
	driver.  To make writing a user-level device driver easier, SGI 
	provides you with a set of library routines that interface with 
	the kernel-level controller drivers on behalf of your application 
	and passes the Scsi commands you provide it to the device.  This 
	sample driver shows you how to:

                - Load and Unload the tape
                - find out the tape format (single or double part).
                - find out tape capacity.
                - partition a tape
                - switch partitions on the tape
                - change default tape block
                - Read and Write from/to the tape
                - move forward and backward
                 ... and many more

	    We have provided a simple directory structure and we store
	and retrieve files individully.  The format of this structure and
	partitions on the tape are fully explained in the begiining of 
	the dat.c file. 

Files provided:
	    You should have the following files:

		- dat.c:      The sample driver's source code
		- Makefile:  The makefile to compile the code. 

	    To compile the driver, locate the libds.a library.  It
	should be in /usr/lib directory and is installed from the 
	dev.sw.lib subsystem.  This library contains the dslib routine.
	If you have this directory somewhere else, change the line
	"LLDLIBS = -lds" in Makefile to be appropriate for where libds.a
	is located on your system. Then type:

		make dat

	    Now you shoud have the user-level driver 'dat' ready to run.
	To run the program, identify the DAT tape driver /dev entry (Most 
	likely it is: /dev/scsi/sc0d2l0: Controller 0, Device 2, Lu0). 
	Run the program as:

		dat /dev/sc0d2l0

	    Have some file (ascii or non-ascii) ready to copy to the
	tape and retrieve them back. You maye uncomment the line 

		        /*  dsdebug |= (1 | 2);  */

	to see what dslib reports back to study the interface.

Files of interest from "hardware/dat" directory




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Copyright © 1995, Silicon Graphics, Inc.