Global Options

Here you find options that are used by most functions.

Counter Setup

This is where you decide what your counter should look like, either when using the "Add Counter" function above, or when using the <counter> tag in another function.

Click on the "link" to open the Setup Counter window:

Include Filter

The include filter tests each line before renaming, to determine if it is to be included or not. This allows you to process only some lines, based on very specific rules:

  • First line / Last line - You can limit what line numbers to process by setting these. This can be useful if for example the first line of a file contains a header that you do not want to process.

  • Include only lines matching / containing - This is where the magic occurs. The string you enter here is tested against each line to see if they match. Only matching lines will be included.

    If you only enter a normal string (eg "hello") then lines that contain this string are matched. You can also enter a wildcard string (eg "hello*") for more advanced matches. The following wildcards are allowed:

  • Regular Expression - Regular Expressions allows for very advanced matchings. Read more about Regular Expressions here. Note that when using RegExp you can no longer use the ordinary wildcards.

  • Exclude lines matching / contaning - This is the oppositve of the include filter above. You can run it alone or together with the include filter. If run together, it is applied after the include filter, so you can tell the program to first include a certain set of lines, and then from this set exclude some of the lines.

    Note: When you create presets, the include filters are saved together with each preset item. Different items can have different include filters. The line is tested for inclusion at the moment that item is running. Preset items running before can thus modify the line in a way the the include filter in the next preset item reacts upon. You can override this behaviour by using the option below the preset list at the "run preset" page.


    The pre-processor filters out a section of the line. Only this section is then sent to actual processing function. This way you can pinpoint what parts of the lines to process! Here is an example:

    All options you see below are processed from top to bottom. So if one options alters a line, the next option will get this processed line instead of the original.

  • Offset beginning - This allows you skip part of the beginning of the line.
  • Limit length - This allows you to skip part of the end of the line.
  • Advanced filter - This allows you to match a specific section of the line using wildcards. Only this section is kept. For example, searching for is* in Replace Genius is fantastic! will find is fantastic!. The following wildcards are allowed:
