Using Quick Search

The Quick Search feature is activated from a file panel by pressing and holding the [Alt] key and typing a displayable character (this can be changed to [Ctrl][Alt], see the section on Configuration/Quick Search for details).  When Quick Search is activated the pattern mask control will be opened at the top of the file panel.

Quick Search supports two modes: Search and Filter.  Filter is active when the [ ] Filter checkbox next to the search mask control is checked.  Otherwise Search is active.


The Search option is used to find the first folder or file in the file panel that matches the search pattern.  The pattern is a "contains" pattern and not a "starts with" pattern.  No wildcard characters are supported in the pattern.

When using the Search option the contents of the file panel are not modified.  The first matching item is selected.  Pressing [Enter] or [Esc] keys will terminate input to the search pattern and return focus to the file panel.


The Filter option is used to find all folders and files in the file panel that match the filter pattern.  The pattern is a "contains" pattern and not a "starts with" pattern.  No wildcard characters are supported in the pattern.

When using the Filter option the contents of the file panel will be modified.  All folders and files that do not match the filter pattern are removed from the file panel in real time as the pattern is entered.  Pressing the [Enter] or [Esc] keys will terminate input to the filter pattern.  The contents of the file panel will continue to reflect the contents of the filter pattern.  The effects of the filter pattern will persist until the [Esc] key is pressed.

Filters can be applied sequentially.  Once a filter has been executed a second filter can be executed to further filter the list of folders and files.  When the [Esc] key is pressed to terminate filtering then all filters will be removed.

The filter is also removed if the current drive or folder is changed.

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