Understanding Hexidecimal (Hex) Numbers

Note: Trackers should feel free to skip this section. If you've used any tracking software before, then you most likely understand how a Hex number system works.

Hexidecimal is a numeric system slightly different then what most are currently used to. The standard system of counting we use today is called the "Decimal system", also called Base 10. This means that all numbers are based on the number 10 (more specifically 0...9, 10..90, etc). The Hexidecimal system differs as it is based on the number 16 and promptly named Base 16 (Thus the term Hex). Hexadecimal number systems are very common on computers, since they allow higher numbers to be placed in smaller areas of memory, or in our case - in a smaller area of the screen.To stay with symbols we are familiar with; hex uses A-F for all numbers past 9. Thus, a hexidecimal string representing numbers of 1 through 20, would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, 10, 11, 12, 13 and so on. This is how many large numbers will be accessed in Buzz, and have been accessed in every tracker written. To comfirm the concept, let me illustrate visually. The following chart shows numbers in both Base 10 (decimal system, right) and their equivalents in Base 16 (hexidecimal system, left). Please note that the numbers in this chart are very common to daily Buzz use. While you will not need to memorize anything (decimal values will always appear in a status bar), these are good to know and help make editing faster..

00 0
40 64
80 128
FF 255
FFFF 65335

  Figure 2.6
If you do not understand this system yet, don't worry. It is one of those things you master as you use it frequently. For now, just realize that numbers in Buzz are from 0 to 15, rather then 0-9, and accessed with 0-F. The rest you'll pick up as you go.