Tracing execution

Rim contains a `trace' flag which may be set with the Rim command  <"set trace" $\Bigl\langle$
# "on" "off"
$\Bigr\rangle$ 〈"to" <file>〉 where the number (#) is the trace level. "On" sets the value to 1. "Off" sets it to zero.

Many subroutines will print checkpoint information when the trace level reaches a specified point. This information and the trigger level are described in table [*]. Other trace information may be easily added to this list by local installers.

Table: Tracing information and trigger levels for subroutines that check the "trace" flag. The date and time are also displayed for all trace entries.

You must check the source to see exactly which variables are displayed by each trace point.

Subroutine level displayed information
NXTCRD 1 input text
SELWHR 2 key search att: pointer, key start
RIOIN 3 unit, page, #words, status
RIOOUT 3 unit, page, #words, status, position
SELWHR 4 key testing: att#, pointer, key start
RMLOOK 4 status, new position, nblk
RMRES 5 '1' indptr, indcur
RMRES 5 '2' indptr, buffer loc
RMSAV 5 indptr, buffer loc, #words
GETDAT 6 index, mat, offset, block, length, nid
GETDAT 6 'del' offset, block
PGEXEC 8 opcode, prog source line#
BLKCHG 9 ind, rows, cols, blocks(-,ind)
BLKDEF 9 ind, rows, cols
BLKCLR 11 ind, blocks(-,ind)