Activities and Events

(organized in chronological order)
PetaFLOPS Frontier 1995

This one day workshop was held February 6, 1995 at the McLean Hilton in Tysons Corner, Virginia at the IEEE Sponsored 1995 Conference on Massively Parallel Computation. The purpose was to explore the extreme regime of computing performance from the perspective of systems technology and applications requirements. The goals and objectives were to:

The Workshop on Enabling Technologies for Peta(FL)OPS Computing - 1994

The Workshop on Enabling Technologies for Peta(FL)OPS Computing was held on February 22 - 24, 1994 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Pasadena, California. More than 60 experts in all aspects of high-performance computing technology met to establish the basis for considering future research initiatives that will lead to the development, production, and application of PetaFLOPS scaled computing systems.

The publication ''Enabling Technologies for PetaFLOPS Computing'' is available NOW through MIT Press! You can read an overview of the book and find out how to order it through The MIT Press Webpage link.

Pittsburg Workshop and Conference on Grand Challenge Applications and Software Technology - 1993

Workshop and Conference on Systems Software and Tools for High Performance Computing Environments - 1992

Report of the Purdue Workshop on Grand Challenges in Computer Architecture for the Support of High Performance Computing - 1991

The Purdue Workshop on Grand Challenges in Computer Architecture for the Support of High Performance Computing was sponsored by the National Science Foundation to identify critical research topics in computer architecture as they relate to high performance computing. Following a wide-ranging discussion of the computational characteristics and requirements for the grand challenge applications, the workshop identified four major computer architecture grand challenges as crucial to advancing the state of the art of high performance computation in the coming decade. These are:

We would like to thank the Academic Press for granting permission to post the Workshop proceedings for the duration of the 1995 PetaFLOPS Computing Summer School/Workshop held August 14 - 23, 1995. Hard copy can be obtained by contacting the Academic Press directly at (407) 345 - 4100 and requesting the Invited Paper ''The Purdue Workshop on Grand Challenges in Computer Architecture for the Support of High Performance Computing'', The Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Volume 16, Number 3, November 1992, pages 199 - 211.

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Authorizing NASA Official: Paul H. Smith
Senior Editor: Thomas Sterling

Curators: Michele O'Connell (, Lawrence Picha (,

Revised: 24 JUNE 96 (moc)