Basic Image and HR Formatting

Including Images

Including Horizontal Rules

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Including Images

Below is an example of a simple image tag. This tag doesn't automatically include line breaks before or after the image; they must be added manually if desired. The IMG part defines the tag as an image tag, and the SRC="somePath" describes where the image can be found. If the image is stored in the same folder as the text, all that is needed is the image file name.

<IMG SRC="happyFlower.GIF"> The latest version of Netscape supports better image forms (jpegs) but it is considered best to continue to use gifs as default (some browsers don't have the capaability to display jpegs).

Here is an example of an inline image: If you wanted to seperate the image from the text, you would need to add line or paragraph breaks like this (<P> <IMG SRC="kLogo(tnspt).GIF"> <P>):

The image tag has been extensively extended in HTML 2.0, make sure to check the documentation on the image formatting extensions from the index.

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Including Horizontal Rules

The tag for a standard horizontal rule is <HR>. This doesnt automatically include a line break before or after the horizontal rule; they must be added manually.

Here is an example of a standard horizontal rule, with a paragraph break before and after the tag (<P><HR><P>):

The <HR> tag has been extended in HTML 2.0, make sure to check the documentation on the horizontal rule extensions from the index.

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Last updated 20 june 95 by katie