
Top 5 ESS Project Accomplishments

1) The 9 ESS Round-2 Investigator Teams in collaboration with SGI/Cray achieved aggressive performance milestones negotiated into their Cooperative Agreements; SGI/Cray installed a 512 processor CRAY T3E in support of the Investigators; ESS Guest Investigators were chosen and their codes moved to the T3E

In Round-2 (FY96-9) ESS signed Cooperative Agreements worth $12.6M with 9 Grand Challenge Teams to achieve Project milestones of 10, 50, and 100 Gigaflop/s sustained on their scientific codes, and work began in August 1996. ESS also signed a $13.2M Cooperative Agreement with SGI/Cray to place a large scalable parallel Testbed, primarily to support the research needs of the Round-2 Investigators, but also to assist in transitioning the broader NASA science community to parallel computing and support research of the HPCC Computational Aerosciences (CAS) Project. Both the Round-2 Investigators and the Testbed were acquired through a single Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN-21425/041) structured to incentivize strong collaboration between the Testbed vendor and the Round-2 Investigators to meet aggressive ESS performance milestones using Investigator codes. All payments under the Round-2 Cooperative Agreements are tied to achievement of 117 negotiated milestones. At the end of FY97, all of the 9 ESS Round-2 Grand Challenge Teams had achieved 10 Gigaflop/s sustained performance on their code(s) as negotiated, 7 had submitted these codes to the National HPCC Software Exchange, and 3 had achieved 50 Gigaflop/s sustained. Extensive information about the ESS Project is on the wwW at: http://sdcd.gsfc.nasa.gov/ESS/

a) By March, all 9 Round-2 Teams had achieved 10 Gigaflop/s sustained performance on their code(s), had their milestone submissions validated, and received payment. Technical support by Cray Research played a key role in many instances. National press coverage was obtained of several Team achievements.

b) By September, three Round-2 Teams had achieved their 50 Gigaflop/s performance milestone.

c) In April, ESS selected the first group of Guest Investigators to use the 20 percent of the CRAY T3E allotted for investigations drawn from the breadth of NASA science to prepare that community to use scalable parallel systems.

d) In October, March ,and June, SGI/Cray installed at GSFC a succession of three increasingly capable Testbed systems in support of ESS Round-2 Investigators, the most powerful being a 512 processor CRAY T3E

e) In June, the ESS Project was presented to the 1997 (4th) HPCC Independent Annual Review (IAR) Panel who, following the reveiw, praised ESS for the performance-based contracting aspects of the Cooperative Agreements, the excellent progress being made toward the Program Commitment Agreement Level-1 milestones, and the science results from the Investigator Teams.

2) HP/Convex SPP2000 Testbed installed at Caltech under National Science Foundation PACI award

3) Beowulf Parallel Linux technology increased in capability and popularity

4) PARVOX: A Parallel Volume Rendering System for Scientific Visualization

5) Remote Observing with the Keck Telescopes Using the ACTS High-Speed Communications Satellite

Points of Contact

James R. Fischer
Goddard Space Flight Center

Robert Ferraro
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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