Class AudioEngine3D

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class AudioEngine3D
extends AudioEngine
implements AudioDevice3D

The AudioEngine3D Class defines an audio output device that generates sound 'image' from high-level sound parameters passed to it during scene graph.

The methods in this class are meant to be optionally overridden by an extended class. This extended class would provice device specific code.

Error checking on all parameters passed to these methods is already explicitly being done by the Java 3D core code that calls these methods.

Field Summary
protected  AuralParameters attribs
protected  View currentView
          Current View sound is being rendered
protected  java.util.ArrayList samples
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
AudioEngine3D(PhysicalEnvironment physicalEnvironment)
          Construct a new AudioEngine with the specified P.E.
Method Summary
 void clearSound(int index)
          Clear Sound Removes/clears associated sound data with this sound source node
protected  AuralParameters getAuralParameters()
 int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(int index)
          Get number of channels used by a particular sample on the audio device.
 int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(int index, boolean muteFlag)
          Get number of channels that would be used by a particular sample on the audio device given the mute flag passed in as a parameter.
 long getSampleDuration(int index)
          Get length of time a sample would play if allowed to play to completion.
protected  java.util.ArrayList getSampleList()
          Get reference to the array list of samples
 long getStartTime(int index)
          Get time this sample begun playing on the audio device.
 View getView()
          Get reference to the current View object
 void muteSample(int index)
          Mute sample.
 void pauseSample(int index)
          Pause sample.
 int prepareSound(int soundType, MediaContainer soundData)
          Prepare Sound in device Makes sound assessible to device - in this case attempts to load sound Stores sound type and data.
 void setAngularAttenuation(int index, int filterType, double[] angle, float[] attenuationScaleFactor, float[] filterCutoff)
          Set angular attenuation arrays affecting angular amplitude attenuation and angular distance filtering.
 void setDirection(int index, Vector3d direction)
          Set direction vector of sample.
 void setDistanceFilter(int filterType, double[] distance, float[] filterCutoff)
          Set distance filter for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
 void setDistanceGain(int index, double[] frontDistance, float[] frontAttenuationScaleFactor, double[] backDistance, float[] backAttenuationScaleFactor)
          Sets this sound's distance gain elliptical attenuation (not including filter cutoff frequency) by defining corresponding arrays containing distances from the sound's origin and gain scale factors applied to all active positional sounds.
 void setFrequencyScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
          Set frequency scale factor for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
 void setLoop(int index, int count)
          Set number of times sample is looped.
 void setPosition(int index, Point3d position)
          Set location of sample.
 void setReflectionCoefficient(float coefficient)
          Set reverberation surface reflection coefficient value for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
 void setReverbDelay(float reverbDelay)
          Set reverberation delay time for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
 void setReverbOrder(int reverbOrder)
          Set reverberation order for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
 void setRolloff(float rolloff)
          Set rolloff value for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
 void setSampleGain(int index, float scaleFactor)
          Set gain scale factor applied to sample.
 void setVelocityScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
          Set velocity scale factor for current aural attribute applied to all samples when Doppler is calculated.
 void setView(View reference)
          Save a reference to the current View object
 void setVworldXfrm(int index, Transform3D trans)
          Set the transform for local to virtual world coordinate space
 int startSample(int index)
          Start sample playing on audio device
 int stopSample(int index)
          Stop sample playing on audio device
 void unmuteSample(int index)
          Unmute sample.
 void unpauseSample(int index)
          Unpause sample.
 void updateSample(int index)
          Update sample.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.j3d.audioengines.AudioEngine
close, getAngleOffsetToSpeaker, getAudioPlaybackType, getCenterEarToSpeaker, getChannelsAvailable, getChannelsUsedForSound, getTotalChannels, initialize, setAngleOffsetToSpeaker, setAudioPlaybackType, setCenterEarToSpeaker
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.ArrayList samples


protected View currentView
Current View sound is being rendered


protected AuralParameters attribs
Constructor Detail


public AudioEngine3D(PhysicalEnvironment physicalEnvironment)
Construct a new AudioEngine with the specified P.E.
physicalEnvironment - the physical environment object where we want access to this device.
Method Detail


public void setView(View reference)
Save a reference to the current View object
Specified by:
setView in interface AudioDevice3D
reference - to current view object


public View getView()
Get reference to the current View object
reference to current view object


public int prepareSound(int soundType,
                        MediaContainer soundData)
Prepare Sound in device Makes sound assessible to device - in this case attempts to load sound Stores sound type and data.
Specified by:
prepareSound in interface AudioDevice3D
soundType - denotes type of sound: Background, Point or Cone
soundData - descrition of sound source data
index into sample vector of Sample object for sound


public void clearSound(int index)
Clear Sound Removes/clears associated sound data with this sound source node
Specified by:
clearSound in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample


public void setVworldXfrm(int index,
                          Transform3D trans)
Set the transform for local to virtual world coordinate space
Specified by:
setVworldXfrm in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
reference - to virtual world composite transform


public int startSample(int index)
Start sample playing on audio device
Specified by:
startSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
status: < 0 denotes an error


public int stopSample(int index)
Stop sample playing on audio device
Specified by:
stopSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
status: < 0 denotes an error


public void updateSample(int index)
Update sample. Implies that some parameters affecting rendering have been modified.
Specified by:
updateSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample


public void muteSample(int index)
Mute sample.
Specified by:
muteSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample


public void unmuteSample(int index)
Unmute sample.
Specified by:
unmuteSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample


public void pauseSample(int index)
Pause sample.
Specified by:
pauseSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample


public void unpauseSample(int index)
Unpause sample.
Specified by:
unpauseSample in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample


public void setSampleGain(int index,
                          float scaleFactor)
Set gain scale factor applied to sample.
Specified by:
setSampleGain in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
scaleFactor - floating point multiplier applied to sample amplitude


public void setLoop(int index,
                    int count)
Set number of times sample is looped.
Specified by:
setLoop in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
count - number of times sample is repeated


public void setPosition(int index,
                        Point3d position)
Set location of sample.
Specified by:
setPosition in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
position - point location in virtual world coordinate of sample


public void setDistanceGain(int index,
                            double[] frontDistance,
                            float[] frontAttenuationScaleFactor,
                            double[] backDistance,
                            float[] backAttenuationScaleFactor)
Description copied from interface: AudioDevice3D
Sets this sound's distance gain elliptical attenuation (not including filter cutoff frequency) by defining corresponding arrays containing distances from the sound's origin and gain scale factors applied to all active positional sounds. Gain scale factor is applied to sound based on the distance the listener is from sound source. These attenuation parameters are ignored for BackgroundSound nodes. The back attenuation parameter is ignored for PointSound nodes.

The form of the attenuation parameters match that of the ConeSound method of the same name. A full description of this parameter and how it is used is in the documentation for ConeSound class.

This method should only be called by Java3D Core and NOT by any application.

Specified by:
setDistanceGain in interface AudioDevice3D
Tags copied from interface: AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
frontDistance - defines an array of distance along positive axis through which ellipses pass
frontAttenuationScaleFactor - gain scale factors
backDistance - defines an array of distance along the negative axis through which ellipses pass
backAttenuationScaleFactor - gain scale factors


public void setDirection(int index,
                         Vector3d direction)
Set direction vector of sample.
Specified by:
setDirection in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
direction - vector in virtual world coordinate.


public void setAngularAttenuation(int index,
                                  int filterType,
                                  double[] angle,
                                  float[] attenuationScaleFactor,
                                  float[] filterCutoff)
Set angular attenuation arrays affecting angular amplitude attenuation and angular distance filtering.
Specified by:
setAngularAttenuation in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
filterType - denotes type of filtering (on no filtering) applied to sample.
angle - array containing angular distances from sound axis
attenuationScaleFactor - array containing gain scale factor
filterCutoff - array containing filter cutoff frequencies. The filter values for each tuples can be set to Sound.NO_FILTER.


public void setRolloff(float rolloff)
Set rolloff value for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
Specified by:
setRolloff in interface AudioDevice3D
rolloff - scale factor applied to standard speed of sound.


public void setReflectionCoefficient(float coefficient)
Set reverberation surface reflection coefficient value for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
Specified by:
setReflectionCoefficient in interface AudioDevice3D
coefficient - applied to amplitude of reverbation added at each iteration of reverb processing.


public void setReverbDelay(float reverbDelay)
Set reverberation delay time for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
Specified by:
setReverbDelay in interface AudioDevice3D
reverbDelay - amount of time in millisecond between each iteration of reverb processing.


public void setReverbOrder(int reverbOrder)
Set reverberation order for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
Specified by:
setReverbOrder in interface AudioDevice3D
reverbOrder - number of times reverb process loop is iterated.


public void setDistanceFilter(int filterType,
                              double[] distance,
                              float[] filterCutoff)
Set distance filter for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
Specified by:
setDistanceFilter in interface AudioDevice3D
filterType - denotes type of filtering (on no filtering) applied to all sample based on distance between listener and sound.
attenuation - array of distance and low-pass filter values.


public void setFrequencyScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
Set frequency scale factor for current aural attribute applied to all samples.
Specified by:
setFrequencyScaleFactor in interface AudioDevice3D
scaleFactor - frequency scale factor applied to samples normal playback rate.


public void setVelocityScaleFactor(float scaleFactor)
Set velocity scale factor for current aural attribute applied to all samples when Doppler is calculated.
Specified by:
setVelocityScaleFactor in interface AudioDevice3D
scaleFactor - scale factor applied to postional samples' listener-to-soundSource velocity. playback rate.


public int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(int index)
Get number of channels used by a particular sample on the audio device.
Specified by:
getNumberOfChannelsUsed in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
number of channels currently being used by this sample.


public int getNumberOfChannelsUsed(int index,
                                   boolean muteFlag)
Get number of channels that would be used by a particular sample on the audio device given the mute flag passed in as a parameter.
Specified by:
getNumberOfChannelsUsed in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
muteFlag - denotes the mute state to assume while executing this query. This mute value does not have to match the current mute state of the sample.
number of channels that would be used by this sample if it were playing.


public long getSampleDuration(int index)
Get length of time a sample would play if allowed to play to completion.
Specified by:
getSampleDuration in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
length of sample in milliseconds


public long getStartTime(int index)
Get time this sample begun playing on the audio device.
Specified by:
getStartTime in interface AudioDevice3D
index - device specific reference number to device driver sample
system clock time sample started


protected java.util.ArrayList getSampleList()
Get reference to the array list of samples
reference to samples list


protected AuralParameters getAuralParameters()