Class SceneBase


public class SceneBase
extends java.lang.Object
implements Scene

This class implements the Scene interface and extends it to incorporate utilities that could be used by loaders. There should be little need for future loaders to subclass this, or to implement Scene directly, as the functionality of a SceneBase is fairly straightforward. This class is responsible for both the storage and retrieval of data from the Scene. The storage methods (used only by Loader writers) are all of the add* routines. The retrieval methods (used primarily by Loader users) are all of the get* routines.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addBackgroundNode(Background background)
          Adds the given Background node to the list of backgrounds.
 void addBehaviorNode(Behavior b)
          Adds the given behavior to a list of behaviors
 void addDescription(java.lang.String descriptionString)
          Sets the text description of the scene to the passed in String.
 void addFogNode(Fog fog)
          Adds the given Fog node to the list of fog nodes.
 void addHorizontalFOV(float hfov)
          Adds the given field of view value to the list of field of view values.
 void addLightNode(Light light)
          Adds the given Light node to the list of lights.
 void addNamedObject(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object object)
          Adds the given String/Object pair to the table of named objects.
 void addSoundNode(Sound sound)
          Adds the given Sound node to the list of sounds.
 void addViewGroup(TransformGroup tg)
          Adds the given group to the list of view groups.
 Background[] getBackgroundNodes()
          This method returns an array of all Background nodes defined in the file.
 Behavior[] getBehaviorNodes()
          This method returns a group containing all of the Behavior nodes in the scene.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          This method returns the text description of the file.
 Fog[] getFogNodes()
          This method returns an array of all Fog nodes defined in the file.
 float[] getHorizontalFOVs()
          This method returns an array of floats that contains the horizontal field of view values for each corresponding entry in the array of view groups returned by the method getViewGroups.
 Light[] getLightNodes()
          This method returns an array of all Lights defined in the file.
 java.util.Hashtable getNamedObjects()
          This method returns a Hashtable which contains a list of all named objects in the file and their associated scene graph objects.
 BranchGroup getSceneGroup()
          This method returns the BranchGroup containing the overall scene loaded by the loader.
 Sound[] getSoundNodes()
          This method returns an array of all of the Sound nodes defined in the file.
 TransformGroup[] getViewGroups()
          This method returns an array of all View Groups defined in the file.
 void setSceneGroup(BranchGroup scene)
          Sets the sceneGroup to be the group that is passed in.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SceneBase()
Method Detail


public void setSceneGroup(BranchGroup scene)
Sets the sceneGroup to be the group that is passed in.


public void addViewGroup(TransformGroup tg)
Adds the given group to the list of view groups.


public void addHorizontalFOV(float hfov)
Adds the given field of view value to the list of field of view values.


public void addBehaviorNode(Behavior b)
Adds the given behavior to a list of behaviors


public void addLightNode(Light light)
Adds the given Light node to the list of lights.


public void addBackgroundNode(Background background)
Adds the given Background node to the list of backgrounds.


public void addSoundNode(Sound sound)
Adds the given Sound node to the list of sounds.


public void addFogNode(Fog fog)
Adds the given Fog node to the list of fog nodes.


public void addDescription(java.lang.String descriptionString)
Sets the text description of the scene to the passed in String.


public void addNamedObject(java.lang.String name,
                           java.lang.Object object)
Adds the given String/Object pair to the table of named objects.


public BranchGroup getSceneGroup()
This method returns the BranchGroup containing the overall scene loaded by the loader.
Specified by:
getSceneGroup in interface Scene


public TransformGroup[] getViewGroups()
This method returns an array of all View Groups defined in the file. A View Group is defined as a TransformGroup which contains a ViewPlatform. The TransformGroup holds the position/orientation information for the given ViewPlatform and the ViewPlatform holds an view-specific information, such as Field of View.
Specified by:
getViewGroups in interface Scene


public float[] getHorizontalFOVs()
This method returns an array of floats that contains the horizontal field of view values for each corresponding entry in the array of view groups returned by the method getViewGroups.
Specified by:
getHorizontalFOVs in interface Scene


public Light[] getLightNodes()
This method returns an array of all Lights defined in the file.
Specified by:
getLightNodes in interface Scene


public java.util.Hashtable getNamedObjects()
This method returns a Hashtable which contains a list of all named objects in the file and their associated scene graph objects. The naming scheme for file objects is file-type dependent, but may include such names as the DEF names of Vrml or filenames of subjects (as in Lightwave 3D).
Specified by:
getNamedObjects in interface Scene


public Background[] getBackgroundNodes()
This method returns an array of all Background nodes defined in the file.
Specified by:
getBackgroundNodes in interface Scene


public Fog[] getFogNodes()
This method returns an array of all Fog nodes defined in the file.
Specified by:
getFogNodes in interface Scene


public Behavior[] getBehaviorNodes()
This method returns a group containing all of the Behavior nodes in the scene.
Specified by:
getBehaviorNodes in interface Scene


public Sound[] getSoundNodes()
This method returns an array of all of the Sound nodes defined in the file.
Specified by:
getSoundNodes in interface Scene


public java.lang.String getDescription()
This method returns the text description of the file. If no such description exists, this method should return null.
Specified by:
getDescription in interface Scene