Class PickObject


Deprecated. As of Java 3D version 1.2, replaced by com.sun.j3d.utils.picking.PickCanvas

public class PickObject
extends java.lang.Object

See Also:

Field Summary
static int BRANCH_GROUP
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a BranchGroup node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int GROUP
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Group node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int LINK
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Link node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int MORPH
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Morph node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int PRIMITIVE
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Primitive node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int SHAPE3D
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Shape3D node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int SWITCH
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Switch node from a given SceneGraphPath.
          Deprecated. A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a TransformGroup node from a given SceneGraphPath.
static int USE_BOUNDS
          Deprecated. Set this flag if you want to pick by bounds.
static int USE_GEOMETRY
          Deprecated. Set this flag if you want to pick by geometry.
Constructor Summary
PickObject(Canvas3D c, BranchGroup root)
          Deprecated. Creates a PickObject.
Method Summary
 PickShape generatePickRay(int xpos, int ypos)
          Deprecated. Creates a PickRay that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space.
 SceneGraphPath[] pickAll(int xpos, int ypos)
          Deprecated. Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with a ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space.
 SceneGraphPath[] pickAll(int xpos, int ypos, int flag)
          Deprecated. Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with a ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space.
 SceneGraphPath[] pickAllSorted(int xpos, int ypos)
          Deprecated. Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space.
 SceneGraphPath[] pickAllSorted(int xpos, int ypos, int flag)
          Deprecated. Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space.
 SceneGraphPath pickAny(int xpos, int ypos)
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below the specified BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in window space.
 SceneGraphPath pickAny(int xpos, int ypos, int flag)
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below the specified BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in window space.
 SceneGraphPath pickClosest(int xpos, int ypos)
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to the item that is closest to the viewer and is Pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space.
 SceneGraphPath pickClosest(int xpos, int ypos, int flag)
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to the item that is closest to the viewer and is Pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space.
 Node pickNode(SceneGraphPath sgPath, int flags)
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to a Pickable Node that is of the specified type that is contained in the specified SceneGraphPath.
 Node pickNode(SceneGraphPath sgPath, int flags, int occurrence)
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to a Pickable Node that is of the specified type that is contained in the specified SceneGraphPath.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SHAPE3D
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Shape3D node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int MORPH
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Morph node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int PRIMITIVE
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Primitive node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int LINK
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Link node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int GROUP
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Group node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int TRANSFORM_GROUP
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a TransformGroup node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int BRANCH_GROUP
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a BranchGroup node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int SWITCH
A flag to indicate to the pickNode method to return a Switch node from a given SceneGraphPath.
See Also:
pickNode(, int)


public static final int USE_GEOMETRY
Set this flag if you want to pick by geometry.


public static final int USE_BOUNDS
Set this flag if you want to pick by bounds.
Constructor Detail


public PickObject(Canvas3D c,
                  BranchGroup root)
Creates a PickObject.
c - Current J3D canvas.
root - The portion of the scenegraph for which picking is to occur on. It has to be a BranchGroup.
See Also:
BranchGroup, Canvas3D
Method Detail


public PickShape generatePickRay(int xpos,
                                 int ypos)
Creates a PickRay that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
A PickShape object that is the constructed PickRay.


public SceneGraphPath[] pickAll(int xpos,
                                int ypos)
Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with a ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space. The resultant array is unordered.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
The array of SceneGraphPath objects that contain Objects that were picked If no pickable object is found null is returned..
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath[] pickAllSorted(int xpos,
                                      int ypos)
Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space. Element [0] references the item closest to viewer.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
A sorted arrayof SceneGraphPath objects that contain Objects that were picked. The array is sorted from closest to farthest from the viewer If no pickable object is found null is returned..
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath pickAny(int xpos,
                              int ypos)
Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below the specified BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in window space.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
A SceneGraphPath of an object that was picked. This is not guarenteed to return the same result for multiple picks If no pickable object is found null is returned..
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath pickClosest(int xpos,
                                  int ypos)
Returns a reference to the item that is closest to the viewer and is Pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
A SceneGraphPath which contains the closest pickable object. If no pickable object is found, null is returned.
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath[] pickAll(int xpos,
                                int ypos,
                                int flag)
Returns an array referencing all the items that are pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with a ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) specified in window space. The resultant array is unordered.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
flag - Specifys picking by Geometry or Bounds.
The array of SceneGraphPath objects that contain Objects that were picked If no pickable object is found null is returned..
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath[] pickAllSorted(int xpos,
                                      int ypos,
                                      int flag)
Returns a sorted array of references to all the Pickable items below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) that intersect with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space. Element [0] references the item closest to viewer.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
flag - Specifys picking by Geometry or Bounds.
A sorted arrayof SceneGraphPath objects that contain Objects that were picked. The array is sorted from closest to farthest from the viewer If no pickable object is found null is returned..
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath pickAny(int xpos,
                              int ypos,
                              int flag)
Returns a reference to any item that is Pickable below the specified BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in window space.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
flag - Specifys picking by Geometry or Bounds.
A SceneGraphPath of an object that was picked. This is not guarenteed to return the same result for multiple picks If no pickable object is found null is returned..
See Also:


public SceneGraphPath pickClosest(int xpos,
                                  int ypos,
                                  int flag)
Returns a reference to the item that is closest to the viewer and is Pickable below the BranchGroup (specified in the PickObject constructor) which intersects with the ray that starts at the viewer position and points into the scene in the direction of (xpos, ypos) in the window space.
xpos - The value along the x-axis.
ypos - The value along the y-axis.
flag - Specifys picking by Geometry or Bounds.
A SceneGraphPath which contains the closest pickable object. If no pickable object is found, null is returned.
See Also:


public Node pickNode(SceneGraphPath sgPath,
                     int flags)
Returns a reference to a Pickable Node that is of the specified type that is contained in the specified SceneGraphPath. If more than one node of the same type is encountered, the node closest to the terminal node of SceneGraphPath will be returned.
sgPath - the SceneGraphPath to be traversed.
flags - the Node types interested in picking.
the first occurrence of the specified Node type starting from the terminal node of SceneGraphPath. If no pickable object is found of the specifed types, null is returned.


public Node pickNode(SceneGraphPath sgPath,
                     int flags,
                     int occurrence)
Returns a reference to a Pickable Node that is of the specified type that is contained in the specified SceneGraphPath. The Node returned is the nth occurrence of a Node that is of the specified type.
sgPath - the SceneGraphPath to be traversed.
flags - the Node types interested.
occurrence - the occurrence of a Node that matches the specified type to return. An occurrence of 1 means to return the first occurrence of that object type (the object closest to the Locale).
the nth occurrence of a Node of type flags, starting from the Locale. If no pickable object is found, null is returned.