Class TextureLoader


public class TextureLoader
extends java.lang.Object

This class is used for loading a texture from an Image or BufferedImage. Methods are provided to retrieve the Texture object and the associated ImageComponent object or a scaled version of the ImageComponent object. Default format is RGBA. Other legal formats are: RGBA, RGBA4, RGB5_A1, RGB, RGB4, RGB5, R3_G3_B2, LUM8_ALPHA8, LUM4_ALPHA4, LUMINANCE and ALPHA

Field Summary
static int BY_REFERENCE
          Optional flag - specifies that the ImageComponent2D will access the image data by reference
          Optional flag - specifies that mipmaps are generated for all levels
static int Y_UP
          Optional flag - specifies that the ImageComponent2D will have a y-orientation of y up, meaning the orgin of the image is the lower left
Constructor Summary
TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage, int flags)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage, option flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage, java.lang.String format)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage and format
TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage, java.lang.String format, int flags)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage, format and option flags
TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image, int flags, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image, java.lang.String format, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image and format
TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image, java.lang.String format, int flags, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image format and option flags
TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname, int flags, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, option flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname, java.lang.String format, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, and format
TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname, java.lang.String format, int flags, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, format and option flags
TextureLoader( url, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL and default format RGBA
TextureLoader( url, int flags, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, option flags and default format RGBA
TextureLoader( url, java.lang.String format, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, and format
TextureLoader( url, java.lang.String format, int flags, java.awt.Component observer)
          Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, format and option flags
Method Summary
 ImageComponent2D getImage()
          Returns the associated ImageComponent2D object
 ImageComponent2D getScaledImage(float xScale, float yScale)
          Returns the scaled ImageComponent2D object
 ImageComponent2D getScaledImage(int width, int height)
          Returns the scaled ImageComponent2D object
 Texture getTexture()
          Returns the associated Texture object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int GENERATE_MIPMAP
Optional flag - specifies that mipmaps are generated for all levels


public static final int BY_REFERENCE
Optional flag - specifies that the ImageComponent2D will access the image data by reference
Java 3D 1.2


public static final int Y_UP
Optional flag - specifies that the ImageComponent2D will have a y-orientation of y up, meaning the orgin of the image is the lower left
Java 3D 1.2
Constructor Detail


public TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage and default format RGBA
bImage - The BufferedImage used for loading the texture


public TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage,
                     java.lang.String format)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage and format
bImage - The BufferedImage used for loading the texture
format - The format specifies which channels to use


public TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage,
                     int flags)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage, option flags and default format RGBA
bImage - The BufferedImage used for loading the texture
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)


public TextureLoader(java.awt.image.BufferedImage bImage,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     int flags)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified BufferedImage, format and option flags
bImage - The BufferedImage used for loading the texture
format - The format specifies which channels to use
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)


public TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image and default format RGBA
image - The Image used for loading the texture
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image and format
image - The Image used for loading the texture
format - The format specifies which channels to use
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image,
                     int flags,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image flags and default format RGBA
image - The Image used for loading the texture
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.awt.Image image,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     int flags,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified Image format and option flags
image - The Image used for loading the texture
format - The format specifies which channels to use
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file and default format RGBA
fname - The file that specifies an Image to load the texture with
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, and format
fname - The file that specifies an Image to load the texture with
format - The format specifies which channels to use
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname,
                     int flags,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, option flags and default format RGBA
fname - The file that specifies an Image to load the texture with
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader(java.lang.String fname,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     int flags,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified file, format and option flags
fname - The file that specifies an Image to load the texture with
format - The format specifies which channels to use
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader( url,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL and default format RGBA
url - The URL that specifies an Image to load the texture with
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader( url,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, and format
url - The URL that specifies an Image to load the texture with
format - The format specifies which channels to use
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader( url,
                     int flags,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, option flags and default format RGBA
url - The URL that specifies an Image to load the texture with
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)
observer - The associated image observer


public TextureLoader( url,
                     java.lang.String format,
                     int flags,
                     java.awt.Component observer)
Contructs a TextureLoader object using the specified URL, format and option flags
url - The url that specifies an Image to load the texture with
format - The format specifies which channels to use
flags - The flags specify what options to use in texture loading (generate mipmap etc)
observer - The associated image observer
Method Detail


public ImageComponent2D getImage()
Returns the associated ImageComponent2D object
The associated ImageComponent2D object


public ImageComponent2D getScaledImage(float xScale,
                                       float yScale)
Returns the scaled ImageComponent2D object
xScale - The X scaling factor
yScale - The Y scaling factor
The scaled ImageComponent2D object


public ImageComponent2D getScaledImage(int width,
                                       int height)
Returns the scaled ImageComponent2D object
width - The desired width
height - The desired height
The scaled ImageComponent2D object


public Texture getTexture()
Returns the associated Texture object
The associated Texture object