[Winners Circle]

Overall Winner

The single best applet from any category.

Winner : CYBCERONE - A Kiosk System Based on Java

Cybcerone is the result of an interactive kiosk project for the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and consists of an interrelated group of services based on the Web and on Java. The project description and white paper can be found on the Internet by clicking here.
Mehdi Aminian, Team Leader. aminian@iisnext.unil.ch
Singularis Communications
Available in ZIP and TAR format (9.3 MB)


Productivity Tools

Applets designed to provide an interface to other applications and programs for information processing. Based on user selections, a web application can return a computed or customized result. (Spreadsheets, Word Processing, Presentation Packages)

Team Winner : Access Key

This applet is based on VDSI's patented access control technology called the Access Key II(TM). The Access Key II(TM) is a one-time password generator used for extended user authentication. The Key operates as a challenge/response token, where the challenge can be read by the token optically or through keypad entry. Java provides us with the ability to present the optical challenge in a Web document, which can then be used for entry into a secure Web site.
John Haggard, Team Leader. jch@vdsi.com
VASCO Data Security, Inc.
TriNet Services
Available in ZIP
and TAR format (75 KB)

Individual 1st place Winner : Web Draw

A Web-based drawing applet.
Kang Daewoong, gothic@star.elim.n

Available in ZIP and TAR format (238 KB)

Individual 2nd place Winner : JFS

JFS is a simple network file system protocol for Java applets. Because applets cannot access the local storage of the machine they are running on, any applet that wants to load or save files needs some mechanism for accessing files on the Web server from which the applet was loaded. JFS provides one way for applets to do this.
Jameson Cameron, jcameron@letterbox.com
Available in
ZIP and TAR format (516 KB)


Internet/Web Agents

Applets enabling network information retrieval, making it possible to take over a users display and exhibit a series of network resources. (E.C. Agents (Micropayment), Publishing Kits)

Team Winner : Como - Java based interactive communication

Como is a new, Java-based system that standardizes interactive communication between Internet users. It also provides a programming interface to write 'commlets' for the Como system. For complete package with latest version of the Como system look here.
Ulrich Gall, Team Leader. uhgall@cip.informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Available in ZIP and TAR format (1.34 MB)

Individual 1st place Winner : CyberAgent

CyberAgent is an application that searches certain real estate matching certain criteria, and to perform interactiving viewing of houses found during that search.
Dale Gass, dale@ra.isisnet.com
MKS, Inc.

Available in ZIP and TAR format (1 MB)

Individual 2nd place Winner : MapInfo: An Interactive Map Browser

You can use this applet map to get detailed information about buildings and locations on the UBC campus, search for locations by name, or navigate through UBC's many World Wide Web servers geographically.
Djun Kim djun@math.ubc.ca
University of British Columbia

Available in ZIP and TAR format (140 KB)



Applets designed to help users gain insight. Applets can behave like scientific instruments or interpret and display input data so that students can focus on the meaning of scientific principles. With audio delivery, the resulting applet could be a model for an instructional tool. (Interactive Training, Training On-Line).

Team Winner : Turing Machine

This applet demonstrates the workings of a Turing machine.
Kenneth Schweller, Team Leader. schweller@bvu.edu
Buena Vista University

Available in ZIP and TAR format (87 KB)

Individual 1st place Winner : DigSim

This Java applet simulates and allows users to construct computer circuit board.
Iwan Van Rienen, ivr@bart.nl
Available in ZIP and TAR format (166 KB)

Individual 2nd place Winner : The NPAC Visible Human Viewer

This Java applet allows you to select and view high-resolution images of 2-dimensional slices of human body, using image data taken from the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project.
Yuh-Jye Chang, yjchang@npac.syr.edu
Syracuse University
Download (292 MB!)


Developer Tools

Applets designed to help users create tools for the development and deployment of knowledge-based applications. (Drag & Drop Developer TK, "Visual Java")

Team Winner : Gamelet Toolkit

The Gamelet Toolkit is a robust, scalable, object-oriented framework of classes and interfaces used for developing arcade-style video games. It provides classes for the management of several key gaming functions including animation, display, scoring, events, and drag'n drop.
Mark Tacchi, Team Leader. mtacchi@next.com
NeXT Software, Inc.
Available in ZIP and TAR format (895 KB)

Individual 1st place Winner : Janne Button

The JanneButton class is a class that implements an image and/or string labelled button. Also included are a set of classes to handle X11 bimaps and pixmaps (xbm and xpm). These classes allow usage of X11 bitmaps inlined in the source code.
Janne Andersson, janne@torpa.se
Torpa Konsult AB
Available in ZIP and TAR format \(78 KB)

Individual 2nd place Winner : ImageButtonApplet

This page describes a set of re-usable classes and sample implementations to create a variety of types of active push buttons with images and animation. The basic design approach was to put as much behavior as possible in classes that could be used in either applets or standalone applications, and then in applet classes which implement all the applet-specific functionality. Each class has been documented using Javadoc.
Shaun Terry, 72010.1771@compuserve.com
Available in ZIP and TAR format (189 KB)

Entertainment and Games

Applets designed to provide an environment for entertainment purposes, providing the user or multi users with an interactive experience. (Multiplayer Net-Based Games, Encyclopedia)

Team Winner : Europa

Europa is a multi-player client-server game
Jay Steele, Team Leader. jdsteele@novafex.com
University of Waterloo.
Alex Nicolaou
is currently maintaining the official Europa Server and would like to see more people logging in there! Also, he is available to resolve problems or fix bugs for the official server.
Available in ZIP and TAR format (688 KB)

Individual 1st place Winner : CopyCat

CopyCat is a captivating new 3D game designed and developed by Jim Morey. The game revolves around replicating a picture created by several patterned faces of a solid object (like a cube).
Jim Morey, morey@math.ubc.ca
University of British Columbia.

Available in ZIP and TAR format (2.9 MB)

Individual 2nd place Winner : Tubes

Yet another Puzzle...
Dmitri Bassarab, dima@cs.technion.ac.il
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

Available in ZIP and TAR format (16 KB)


Applets that don't fit into any other category.

Team Winner : Personal Journal

A Java version of Personal Journal with Wall Street Journal news from March 28, 1996.
James Lee, Team Leader. kwangwoo@grip.cis.upenn.edu
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

Available in ZIP and TAR format (766 KB)

Individual 1st place Winner : Volume Slicer Applet

Some medical imaging modalities (MR, CT, Nuclear Medicine) produce 2D slices of data through a 3D volume. These slices are often resampled into 3 sets of slices (along the X, Y and Z axes) for transmission. Using Java, the original 2D slices can be transmitted once and resampled locally by your browser on the fly. The applets read a single image that is a grid of slices from a 3D dataset. A scaled version of the original is presented in the lower right quadrant of each page.
Andrew Barclay, abb@nuccard.eushc.org
Emory University
Available in ZIP and TAR format (930 KB)

Individual 2nd place Winner : Traffic Simulation

The applet simulates traffic flow using Java programming language. It takes advantage of multithread, a unique feature function in Java. In particular, three threads operate concurrently to represent (1) the cars, (2) the traffic flow volume and (3) the traffic lights, respectively. More important is that network-oriented Java is able to link information of real-time traffic flow from different locations, which can be used to predict and broadcast short- and long-term traffic status.
Kelly Liu, kliu@mathworks.com
Available in ZIP and TAR format (32 KB)

Copyright © 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved. For Java technical support, see the newsgroup comp.lang.java.