Day 006 - 05 Jul 94 - Page 11
1 had said: "You had better look at this" or because we had
just taken it upon ourselves to investigate the matter.
2 But that would be the only one I have ever talked about
with, I have to say, quite dissenting views. Some people
3 say a surface which is anti-slip is a problem in itself as
people go from one surface to another; the very fact that
4 it changes can cause accidents. So, you talk to the
experts and they themselves cannot agree. But that would
5 be the primary one that I would have been concerned with:
Do we or do we not in the appropriate area of a restaurant
6 use an anti-slip surface? If we do, what type? Beyond
that ----
Q. Presumably, if there is a problem identified on a national
8 scale about particular equipment or surfaces, then would
you feel the need to take action?
9 A. If there was something identified nationally which, to
my knowledge, has never been, I would certainly bring the
10 power of the company forward, whether it was construction
or property or human resources or equipment, to
11 investigate and do whatever had to be done to fix it.
12 Q. How would you identify a national problem, if there was
13 A. I would imagine, if it was a national problem, it
would be pretty plain.
Q. Presumably, through the statistics which you have not seen
15 but Mr. Taylor may have seen, I do not know?
A. I guess -- what kind of a national problem are you
16 talking about? Is it a slipping problem? Is it something
like that?
Q. If these statistics existed or, let us assume they do
18 exist but you have not seen them, would that help to show
what some of the problems would be, the most often
19 reported accidents, for example?
A. I would imagine, if there is an accident and it is an
20 accident book and you totalled up the number related to
slippings, the number that related to a burn, you'd have,
21 you could total them up, surely.
22 Q. It would be useful?
A. Would it be useful? I am not sure. It would be useful
23 of itself. I think, as always, it has to be taken in
context. Is it one person in one restaurant? Is it
24 32,000 people working 365 days a year where one burn
occurs, or three accidents occur versus the number of
25 occasions possibly for something to go wrong?
26 Q. That is the same as sales and labour costs?
A. In what regard, I am sorry?
Q. You have national statistics on monthly reports of sales
28 and labour costs labour percentages?
A. Yes.
Q. So, although it depends and each restaurant may be
30 different, it is helpful to see a general overview, yes?
A. I do not draw the same analogy, but you are entitled