Day 006 - 05 Jul 94 - Page 10
Q. Is it true that it says under Recommendations:
2 "Consideration should be given as to how employ
participation in health and safety can be improved"?
3 A. I think that is a perfectly logical, sensible request.
We involved our employees, we have employed our
4 employees in the past, we have involved our employees in
the past and do currently -- I imagine we always will --
5 as to how can we in their minds how we can do better. It
is an intrinsic part of the McDonald's management style.
Q. Did you take part in the production of this report?
7 A. I do not remember. I may have been interviewed as
part of it, but I do not recall.
Q. Are you aware of the national status of this body, the
9 Health & Safety Executive Accidents Prevention.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Can we just look at page 873?
11 MR. MORRIS: Yes. It does say: "Persons interviewed:
President and chief executive".
12 A. All right, then I was interviewed.
13 Q. Are you aware of the status of this body?
A. I could not put it in words of one syllable. No,
14 there is certainly an organisation charged with improving
safety standards in the United Kingdom, a government
15 organisation, I would guess, but as to their status, which
governmental department they come under, I am not sure.
Q. Would you say that it would be reasonable to describe them
17 as the foremost statutory authority in the country for
monitoring and improving standards in businesses?
18 A. I have no way of knowing. They are a Health & Safety
Executive. I would guess they are one of many
19 organisations concerned with it; whether they are the
foremost or not, it is beyond my capacity to determine.
Q. If we move on from that, let us have a look at -- just let
21 me collect my papers. If you feel that there is, from
your reports from -- I forget the name of the chap?
22 A. Andrew Taylor.
23 Q. -- That there is a problem in one region, would you take
action in terms of safety standards?
24 A. First and foremost, I very much doubt whether there
would ever be a health and safety problem which covered an
25 entire region.
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It would more likely if there was cause for
concern it was a certain kind of equipment or floor
27 coverings or furnishes?
A. Or a problem in a specific store that had arisen for
28 special circumstances.
29 MR. MORRIS: Have you ever had problems in a region that you
know of with safety, I mean safety?
30 A. We have certainly looked at and talked for years about
anti-slip surfaces. I am not sure it was because someone