Day 007 - 06 Jul 94 - Page 09

     1        in the United States back in the late 80s, early 90s, was
              due to a perception that there is a lack of landfill space
     2        available.  The consumer in the environmental community
              was perceiving that the foam package took up too much
     3        volume for its given use and, therefore, were asking us to
              eliminate the foam clam shell to reduce the amount of
     4        volume that would take up in a landfill.  Though I do not
              work for the European Organisation, I am not sure that the
     5        UK has that concern over landfill as we do.
     6   Q.   Do not worry about that.  Mr. Oakley will tell us about
              perceptions in this country and other parts of Europe.
     7        When you say "landfill", this is waste disposal?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   A means of waste disposal?
     9        A.  Yes, it is.
    10   Q.   Is landfill waste incinerated in the United States?
              A.  There is some incineration.  I forget the exact
    11        percentages; maybe some 15 per cent of our overall waste
              stream is incinerated, and some 70 per cent landfill, with
    12        the remainder being recycled.
    13   Q.   In the conditions which pertain in a landfill waste
              disposal site, are there any problems about incineration
    14        of polystyrene foam?
              A.  I am not aware of any problem with incinerating
    15        polystyrene, no.
    16   Q.   Are the advantages of paper, as perceived in the United
              States, first that it is less bulky?
    17        A.  Certainly.
    18   Q.   And, second, that it may be recycled?
              A.  We have done some testing of recycling our paper
    19        wraps, but it is extremely difficult because again of the
              food contamination we have not met with success there.
         Q.   Does it follow -- we will come to the precise extent in a
    21        moment -- to the extent that you obtain recycled paper for
              use in McDonald's packaging, that is recycled pulp or
    22        material that you bought from a recycler?
              A.  Right.
         Q.   And that is not recycled McDonald's waste by and large?
    24        A.  No, it is not.  It would be newspapers or corrugated
              shipping containers or something of that sort.
         Q.   May we then draw a distinction between material which is 
    26        recycled and material which is recyclable? 
              A.  Definitely. 
         Q.   I want to, if I may, Mr. Kouchoukos, now make a slight
    28        diversion.  Am I right that you and a colleague of yours
              recently made a study of the comparative packaging use and
    29        waste, if you like, of a Big Mac meal eaten at McDonald's
              or purchased at McDonald's and one which the householder
    30        goes out and makes himself at home?
              A.  Yes, I did, a colleague and I.

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