Day 008 - 07 Jul 94 - Page 15

         Q.   Would this apply to each of the fields in which you
     2        operate, so far as packaging is concerned, paper forestry,
     3        A.  Correct.  In this case, speaking about paper, it
              involves visiting recycling plants, understanding what
     4        happens with paper in recycling plants, of which I have
              probably been to a dozen recycling plants of that nature.
     5        It involves the production of paper.  I have been to
              probably a couple of dozen paper production processes.  It
     6        involves how paper is made in terms of the pulp and again
              I have been to numerous pulp plants.  It involves how raw
     7        material is extracted, whether from the forest or from
              recycling programmes.
         Q.   Just while we are on it, are you conscious whether or not
     9        recycling itself creates any environmental hazards?
              A.  Yes, it does.  Recycling, as in any process, has an
    10        environmental impact that needs to be weighed and judged
              against other options.
         Q.   Given that, as Mr. Kouchoukos has told us, the quantity of
    12        trees -- I use as neutral a term as possible -- the
              quantity of trees in the temporate zones in the northern
    13        hemisphere appears to be increasing all the time?
              A.  That is correct.  That is the data I am familiar
    14        with.  In working with environmental groups within the
              United States they have confirmed that with me also.  That
    15        is what I have heard from them.
    16   Q.   It is not seriously disputed by anybody, so far as I know,
              but the question I want to ask you is this:  Given that
    17        fact, is there a clear winner, in your opinion, as a
              director of environmental affairs at McDonald's, between
    18        the use of virgin fibre and the use of recycled fibre so
              far as environmental concerns are concerned?
    19        A.  No, there is no clear winner.  It is a very
              controversial subject.  It is one of the chief topics that
    20        I have looked at for the last six years, and it is one of
              the chief topics we are looking with in our current Paper
    21        Task Force.  I have seen and studied the pros and cons of
              virgin production, and I have seen and studied the pros
    22        and cons of the recycling paper industry also.  As with
              anything else, I wish it all was black and white but it is
    23        not.
    24   Q.   We notice at the moment within the last few years, last
              five years or so, that the recycled content of McDonald's
    25        packaging has increased quite dramatically?
              A.  Correct. 
         Q.   Do you review that process or is it like a run-away train, 
    27        it is just going to go on increasing?
              A.  No, we review our practices minimally once a year,
    28        because what we do is once a year we want to update our
              suppliers, to inform them where we have been, what we are
    29        thinking today, where we want to go tomorrow.  We have an
              annual meeting strictly on the environment for all of the
    30        major packaging suppliers for McDonald's once a year, and
              that is the goal of that meeting.  At that time, if we are

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