Day 013 - 19 Jul 94 - Page 05
1 McNuggetts is 100% chicken is false because the product is
fried in beef fat which leeches it to the chicken meat and
2 sodium phosphate is added to the chicken".
3 Then it goes on to say: "As you are aware, consumers have
a growing interest and concern for matters involving good
4 nutrition. To reduce the serious risks of cardiovascular
disease and certain cancers many doctors and scientists
5 have stressed the need for consumers to lessen their
intake of red meat. As a result of such advice, this
6 office believes that many consumers reasonably regard
skinless chicken as a favourable and healthful
7 alternative, and are likely to view McNuggetts as meeting
this need.
In the light of these facts, we are seriously concerned
9 about the impact of your current advertising campaign on
New York consumers. Consequently we wish to inform you
10 that we have commenced a formal enquiry into this matter.
We therefore request that you submit all advertisements
11 and point of sale materials for chicken McNuggetts which
are used in New York from January 1st, 1985 to date and
12 substantiation for the above mentioned claims. Such
substantiation and advertisement should be produced at our
13 office by September 20th, 1985.
14 If you have any queries, please contact the assistant
Attorney General, Leslie E Rossum(?). Your co-operation
15 would be appreciated."
16 That is from Steven Mandell, the Assistant Attorney
General. So it is clear, is it not, that there had been
17 prior communication in the months prior to the
introduction of these ingredient listings with the
18 department of New York or the legal department of New
19 A. Yes. There had been prior communication. There had
been communication on other matters even prior to this.
Q. Would you agree that the provision of or the discussions
21 you had with the New York State Attorney General's
department about the provision of ingredient listings was
22 something that came out of this, came out of your
discussions on the chicken McNuggetts advert?
23 A. I do not recall that. I do recall that this
investigation -- we cannot stop them from beginning
24 investigations -- like all the others, both prior and
subsequent, went nowhere and were dropped.
Q. As I understand it, there may not have been any formal
26 action at the end of this but, as a consequence of this
letter, the discussions took place about ingredients
27 brochures and this was what led to the discussions about
ingredients brochures?
28 A. Well, clearly discussions concerning ingredients took
place subsequent to this. I do not recall them having
29 been as a result of this or as a consequence of those
discussions that we should have to put these brochures in
30 because they had alleged, they had brought this formal
enquiry to us; there was not that relationship.