Day 013 - 19 Jul 94 - Page 14
1 media on 7th July, and that you did not inform the
Attorneys General until 7th July, so they would not be
2 able to put out a press release before your one went out?
A. What is your question?
Q. It is quite obvious that you were misleading the Attorneys
4 General so that they would not be able to do their own
press release before yours.
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Put to him what the point of it is. What he
6 appears to have said is that by implication, at least,
that he wanted the family to know before anyone else, that
7 is the 3rd July. Then you are criticising them for
putting out their own press release before telling the
8 Attorneys General, are you?
9 MS. STEEL: This letter of July 21st says:
"We had several telephone conversations with your
10 representatives late in June and reported that we would
not be able to spell out the company's plans until after
11 the 4th July holiday", which implies they are not going to
know what the plans are until after 4th July holiday?
12 A. I should say that it is not at all unusual ever for us
to do everything we can to inform the family, McDonald's
13 family, of what is going to be happening in connection
with an event or press release, so that all of the people
14 in the family can respond to questions from the general
public, from the press, from local officials and be
15 properly prepared.
16 Q. So would it not have been more accurate to say in your
letter: "We are not willing to tell you what our plans
17 are until after 4th July"?
A. I am not sure that would be more accurate; it was our
18 decision not to tell until that date.
19 Q. Because you knew the Attorneys General were planning a
press release to announce that all chains were going to
20 provide nutrition lists, ingredient listings?
A. I disagree with that. I specifically do not remember
21 having any knowledge, or anyone that I dealt with at
McDonald's having any knowledge, that Attorneys General
22 were going to be making a press release -- that is
MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you have a date to put on -- I think
24 I may have read it but I cannot remember the date -- when
you say it was agreed that the press release would go out
25 from the Attorneys General.
26 MS. STEEL: I do not think we have actually got a date. It
just says it was a couple of days before McDonald's asked
27 for a delay.
28 MR. JUSTICE BELL: You do not have a specific date?
29 MS. STEEL: No.
30 MR. RAMPTON: Nor, of course, do we have any documents.