Day 017 - 25 Jul 94 - Page 14
1 that from the last part of the abstract; is that right?
A. That is right, yes.
Q. This particular paper appears to have been based on some
3 case controlled studies, is that correct?
A. That is right.
Q. Can I just read some part of the abstract: "Incidence
5 rates for many sites of cancer show wide variations among
the main ethnic groups in Hawaii (Caucasians, Japanese,
6 Chinese, Filipinos, and Hawaiians). Major shifts in
cancer rates among migrants to the islands suggest that
7 environmental factors are at least in part responsible for
these variations. One prominent area of difference among
8 these ethnic populations is their diets, which can vary
substantially, not only in the consumption of particular
9 food items but also in mean nutrient intakes.
10 In aggregate correlational analyses based on data from
representative samples of these ethnic groups and
11 corresponding population-based cancer incidence rates, we
found significant associations between ethnic-sex-specific
12 intakes of dietary fat (including total fat, as well as
animal, saturated, and unsaturated fats) and breast,
13 endometrial, and prostrate cancers. Animal protein intake
showed associations similar to those for dietary fat, but
14 these two nutrients were highly correlated in the data.
Cholesterol intake showed significant correlations with
15 lung and laryngeal cancers. Analyses of both nutrient and
food item data suggested an association of stomach cancer
16 incidence with the consumption of fish products,
particularly dried/salted fish, and with a lower intake of
17 vitamin C.
18 Preliminary findings from ongoing case-control studies
showed the following relationships: An inverse
19 association between lung cancer risk and the intake of
food sources of vitamin A, especially foods containing
20 carotenes; an inverse association between cancers of the
lower urinary tract and vitamin A consumption, especially
21 from supplements; a positive association between prostrate
cancer risk and dietary fat intake in men above the age of
22 69, but not in younger men; and a positive association
between breast cancer risk and the intake of dietary fat
23 (particularly saturated fat) and animal protein in
postmenopausal women, especially the Japanese.
Two large cohorts (50,000 and 5,000 subjects) on whom
25 dietary information was collected between 1975 and 1980
are being followed prospectively for their occurrence of
26 cancer".
27 Dr. Arnott, this is one of a number of papers among many.
You have read it. You, no doubt, read it more or less at
28 the time it came out in 1983. What reliable conclusions
can a responsible medical man draw from this kind of
29 evidence?
A. One of the problems with case control studies is how
30 the controls have actually been selected. This is a real
problem in any study of this nature. Often the controls