Day 018 - 26 Jul 94 - Page 16

     1        trying to select the walking ability of the birds at the
              parent stock level or earlier.  Does that answer your
     2        question?
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  Dr. Gregory, I understand that you did not see
              the birds being gathered up and put on the trucks to be
     4        taken to -- what is that process called?
              A.  Loading, catching and loading.
         Q.   Were you present when birds were arriving at the slaughter
     6        house?
              A.  I did not see them being unloaded.  I was present when
     7        they were being hung on to the chapels at the slaughter
         Q.   One of the events which may occur in the course of
     9        transport is that a proportion of the birds may die; is
              that right?
    10        A.  Correct.
    11   Q.   Did you check the figures or a sample to find out what the
              proportion of birds at Sun Valley was which were dead on
    12        arrival when you were there?
              A.  On the day of the visit, that is 19th April, I did not
    13        work out the prevalence of dead on arrivals.
    14   Q.   Had you, in fact, inspected Sun Valley on a previous
    15        A.  Yes.
    16   Q.   Can you take the orange file No. V and turn to tab K?
              This is an article written by you and, I suppose, one of
    17        your colleagues?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   Published in The Veterinary Record on 28th November 1992?
    19        A.  Yes.
    20   Q.   We see at the bottom of the right-hand corner of the first
              page a number of plants referred to by letters, A, B, C,
    21        D, E, F, yes?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   Which of those numbers was Sun Valley?
    23        A.  F.
    24   Q.   If you turn over the page to table 2, we see, do we not,
              how each of the plants scored in relation to numbers of
    25        birds dead on arrival?
              A.  Yes. 
         Q.   Is that right? 
    27        A.  Yes.
    28   Q.   F is the last one; it is the penultimate column?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   The number of birds dead on arrival out of the total of
    30        131,617 birds slaughtered was 190; is that right?
              A.  Yes.

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