Day 018 - 26 Jul 94 - Page 26

     1        A.  Yes.
     2   Q.   I do not know that I have the date for that, but it was in
     3        A.  Yes, 20th April.
     4   Q.   20th April 1993.  Do they grow all their own pigs or do
              they buy in some?
     5        A.  They buy in and they grow their own.
     6   Q.   Of the ones they grow themselves, I think you tell us that
              some 60 per cent are kept outside, at any rate initially,
     7        is that right?
              A.  I believe that is correct.
         Q.   It is page 5.  You tell us that the company has nine
     9        outdoor breeding units with about five hundred sows on
              each unit, 60 per cent of the company's breeding units are
    10        outside?
              A.  Yes.
         Q.   Some of the privately owned ones are also outside, but you
    12        did not see those, I do not think, did you?
              A.  No.
         Q.   You were told that none of the -----
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can I ask whether the breeding units, what
    15        that covers.
    16   MR. RAMPTON:  I was going to come back to that.  This is as
              good a moment as any.
    17        A.  That covers mating, gestation, farrowing, to weaning.
    18   Q.   Did you see the indoor breeding units at GD Bowes?
              A.  No, I did not.
         Q.   We shall have to ask Mr. Bowes about that.  He is coming
    20        to give evidence.
              A.  I was told they do not use tethers or dry sow stalls.
         Q.   I think I know what a tether is; what are dry sow stalls?
    22        A.  A system for keeping the sow in a rather confined
              area; it would be about (a typical size) 2.1 meters by
    23        about .6 of a meter during the non-lactating period.
    24   Q.   You were told they did not use those?
              A.  Correct.
         Q.   Is the disclaiming or non-use of tethers and dry sow 
    26        stalls an important consideration from the animal welfare 
              point of view? 
    27        A.  Most definitely, yes.
    28   Q.   I am coming to the question of fighting in pigs in a
              moment.  In the yellow volume at tab 7.
         MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Mr. Bowe's statement?
         MR. RAMPTON:  Yes, my Lord.  Do you have a statement by

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