Day 022 - 12 Sep 94 - Page 05
1 chairing bodies or conferences or participation?
2 A. Well, I am, I have been Secretary of the British
3 Stomach Cancer Group. I have been a member of the working
4 party of the Medical Research Council looking at
5 colorectal cancer and also involved with the Medical
6 Research Council looking at new forms of treatment,
7 particularly neutron therapy, particularly in research
8 when I was in Scotland.
10 Currently, I am a member of the United Kingdom
11 Coordinating Committee for Cancer Research looking at
12 colorectal cancer, also looking at anal cancer. I have
13 contributed to the Oxford Textbook of Oncology, which is
14 about to be published, which is obviously a major
15 international cancer textbook. I have contributed to The
16 Treatment of Cancer which is about to be published in its
17 third edition. I have contributed the sections on
18 gastrointestinal cancers which involves not only the
19 treatment of these cancers but also their causation,
20 geographical distribution and so on. This is an
21 internationally regarded textbook on the treatment of
22 cancer.
24 Q. Has that been published?
25 A. Two editions have already been published. It is about
26 to go into its third edition. So it gives some measure of
27 the success of the textbook, I think.
29 MS. STEEL: What percentage of all those things was involved
30 in, was, kind of, looking up the causes of cancer as
31 opposed to treatment?
32 A. I would say about a third.
34 Q. Right. In your opinion what are the risk factors for,
35 say, breast and colon cancer?
36 A. Right. Well, I think there is undoubtedly a very
37 strong genetic factor because, as far as breast cancer is
38 concerned, we can see that breast cancer can run in
39 families. If you have a blood relative with breast
40 cancer, then your risk is increased by somewhere between
41 1.5 and 3 fold. Now, no direct genetic abnormality has
42 been found to explain this but, undoubtedly, there is a
43 genetic factor which is involved in breast cancer.
45 The same applies to colorectal cancer because there is a
46 familial condition called polyposis coli, adenomatous
47 polyposis coli, which is a genetically inherited
48 abnormality and this inevitably leads to the formation of
49 large bowel cancer. You can also again find colon cancer
50 running in families and, also, if you have a blood
51 relative with colon or rectal cancer, your risk is
52 increased by between two and four fold, according to the
53 different statistics one reads.
55 Q. When you talk about a blood relative, are you talking
56 about immediate family, you are not talking about great
57 aunts and uncles?
58 A. No, but they also do have an influence. If you -- one
59 of the things when you are looking at somebody with breast
60 cancer, one of the first things you need to know is what