Day 022 - 12 Sep 94 - Page 04
1 Cross-Examined by the defendants.
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I think I said you can sit or stand as it is
4 convenient to you.
6 THE WITNESS: Thank you very much.
8 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, Ms. Steel?
10 MS. STEEL: I wanted to go back over a bit of what you have
11 been involved in, your work and experience and books that
12 you have been involved in writing. Is it fair to say, by
13 and large, that you have concentrated on treatment rather
14 than research into causes, prevention?
15 A. That is only partly true. I am very much concerned
16 with treatment, that is absolutely right. But in order to
17 treat patients, one has to have some understanding about
18 the possible causation and the mechanisms by which
19 causative agents may give rise to cancer because
20 treatment, part of treatment is prevention, if one can,
21 and part of treatment is also removing various factors
22 which may be responsible for causing the cancer; it is not
23 just the administration of anti-cancer type treatment.
25 In fact, for example, some of the chapters of books I have
26 written are concerned with all aspects of cancer; for
27 example, the geographical distribution, possible aetiology
28 as well as treatment.
30 Q. Right. What sorts of things have you studied in relation
31 to prevention?
32 A. Well, large studies, for example, on cigarette smoking
33 and lung cancer. I have been very much involved with
34 studies on diet, their possible implications in cancer.
35 Radiation exposure, and the possibility that that may have
36 an influence in the development of cancer, particularly
37 childhood cancer; a lot of studies in that aspect of
38 things; genetic aspects and, you know, there are a variety
39 of studies that I have been involved with which have
40 looked at possible causation of cancer in terms of trying
41 to prevent the development of the cancer.
43 Q. What exactly have you studied in relation to diet as you
44 know in terms of preventing cancer?
45 A. Well, I have obviously done a very extensive
46 literature search. I worked, when I was in Scotland,
47 I worked in conjunction with the gastroenterological unit
48 at the Western General hospital there, where some of our
49 patients actually participated in some of the studies they
50 were carrying out, looking at various aspects of diet and
51 possible causation of cancer. These are the main ones.
53 Q. Right.
55 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Keep your voice up.
56 A. Yes.
58 MR. MORRIS: Can you give some examples of the recognition you
59 have in the field of treatment in your academic field,
60 recognition you have by that field in terms of maybe