Day 039 - 20 Oct 94 - Page 04
1 are aware of it. What was the fourth category you just
2 added? I have got intolerances and allergies,
3 carcinogenicity, hyperactivity?
4 A. Well, I think I characterised the other broad group of
5 effects as other long-term adverse effects. So, they
6 include, for instance, ulceration in respect of carrageenan
7 and possible birth defects in respect of another compound
8 and, rather than generate a lengthy list of some
9 categories, I would be happy to organise it under those
10 headings.
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I will start, as it were, with Sunset
13 Yellow. I will merely say that the parts I have
14 underlined, because we dealt with this yesterday, are on
15 page 9 of your new statement: "Certain azo-dyes including
16 Sunset Yellow FCF have been shown to be associated with
17 hypersensitive reactions in man", reference 1.
19 Over the page: "There is some direct evidence that it",
20 that is Sunset Yellow, "can provoke unpleasant acute
21 symptoms in humans", reference 8. "It was reported as
22 recently as 1989 that a physician in the USA had been found
23 to be suffering with allergic gastroenteritis in reaction
24 to Sunset Yellow, and this causal link was confirmed by
25 double-blind challenge".
27 Reference 1 records that "efforts should be made to define
28 the extent of these phenomena. In the meantime", it says,
29 "the use of Sunset Yellow FCF", you remember we looked at
30 this yesterday, "as a colouring in food is acceptable.
31 (Reading to the words) in support of the statement has been
32 shown to be associated with hypersensitive reactions in
33 man, a reference to document 8", which is the reference for
34 the second part I read out. In document 8, I have to say,
35 "Sunset Yellow was administered in doses 1, 2, 5 and 10
36 milligrams to seven patients". It is not clear to me just
37 what doses were administered to the individual patients,
38 but bear in mind that the ADI is 2.5 milligrams per
39 kilogram of body weight. So if you had, for instance, a 60
40 kilo woman, one milligram would be about 20 times the ADI
41 and 10 milligrams would be about 200 times the ADI.
43 "Of the seven patients there was no reaction or no reaction
44 to Sunset Yellow mentioned in five. There was a doubtful
45 reaction in one and a positive reaction in another. The
46 reactions were the allergic (reading to the words)
47 into tissue". We looked at the physician yesterday.
49 I merely mention that in case you want to follow it up.
50 I have not looked at other matters in such detail, or in
51 case you want to ask Dr. Millstone if he has got any
52 further comment on that.
54 MR. MORRIS: Do you want to start on that, Dr. Millstone?
56 MS. STEEL: Can I say something else? You said you picked out
57 the bits relating to people.