Day 043 - 01 Nov 94 - Page 37

     1        commercial.  It plays on a couple of different levels as
     2        well, because parents enjoy watching television with their
     3        kids in the morning, and some of the puns that I think in
     4        this particular commercial would play to them as opposed to
     5        just the kids themselves.
     7             Sometimes we try to have a bit of a surprise to our
     8        commercials, and one of the premiums that we had during
     9        that year was sort of detective equipment.  You will see
    10        that this is the same commercial that you just saw, but it
    11        has a bit of a surprise at the end.
    13                  (The next advertisement was shown)
    15   THE WITNESS:   At the end of most every commercial he makes a
    16        sign and it turns into the Golden Arches.  Here he makes a
    17        sign that did not turn into the Golden Arches; and it led
    18        to number of commercials, some of which I think you will
    19        see, where Ronald has lost the Arches and he is searching
    20        for them.  One of the toy premiums at that time was sort of
    21        this detective premiums or toys, so that the children could
    22        enjoy, while they are watching the commercial,
    23        participating with Ronald to try to find the Golden
    24        Arches.
    26        This is a 60 second commercial.  It is called "A Day in the
    27        Life".  Once again, it is a typical kind of overall Ronald
    28        commercial that we use.
    30                  (The next advertisement was shown)
    32   MR. RAMPTON:  Mr. Green, is that aimed at any particular age
    33        group?
    34        A.  No.  I think it is just sort of aimed at a broad aspect
    35        of children.  Again, it plays on several different levels.
    36        If you are bit older, you might enjoy more of the puns than
    37        if you are a bit younger.  I am afraid our copy department
    38        at that time was really enjoying puns; they were full of
    39        them.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not think you ever get too old for a
    42        pun!
    44   THE WITNESS:  Again, if a parent is watching -- and I think a
    45        number of parents do watch with their children -- I think
    46        they would enjoy it, as well.
    48        We do a 30 second lift, is what it is called, meaning that
    49        from the 60 second commercial we will lift 30 seconds'
    50        worth of material out of it, and now this becomes a shorter 
    51        commercial which will also play on the network, but this 
    52        time a 30 second link. 
    54                  (The next advertisement was shown)
    56   THE WITNESS:   That would be the 30 second version of the same
    57        commercial.
    59        Here is a different 15 second close.

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