Day 043 - 01 Nov 94 - Page 40

     2             I am not sure what this is.
     4                  (The next advertisement was shown)
     6   THE WITNESS:   This would be the advertisement that was a tie-in
     7        promotion with the movie book, and that was one of the
     8        versions that would be shown to adults.
    10   MR. RAMPTON:   That was an animated film by Disney, was it?
    11        A.  I believe it was a live action film; I believe it was
    12        Steven Spielberg.
    14   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I see it was called "Jeremy" on the label
    15        beforehand.  Is that the same child actor, the boy, as we
    16        have seen in other ones, or not?
    17        A.  We may use the same characters.  I really was not
    18        noticing, but we might use the same actor.  The word
    19        "Jeremy" I believe was his name in the commercial.
    21             This would be the $2.09 version of the same
    22        commercial.
    24        Then the special price version of the same commercial.
    25        This would just be the 15 second close that would be used
    26        primarily, I believe, in kids' time.
    28                  (The next advertisement was shown)
    30   THE WITNESS:   That, again, would be the close, 15 seconds.
    31        I think this is the same commercial that we saw of Ronald
    32        on holiday for 60 seconds, but this was shortened a bit for
    33        50 seconds.  So if a local market wanted to have a special
    34        holiday message, they could put it at the end of this.
    35        I might go a little bit through it, since you have seen it,
    36        and show you what the ending looks like.
    38                  (The next advertisement was shown)
    40   MR RAMPTON:   That blank represents -- sorry?
    41        A.  The local market would then take that commercial, and
    42        they would go into a production studio and add the 10
    43        seconds on the back of it, over this music.  So if they
    44        have a special wish or a special message during the holiday
    45        time period, they could use this.  That way, they do not
    46        have to produce their own creative -- locally, they can use
    47        something which has been produced on a national basis.
    49             During the holiday season, we sponsor a children's
    50        sort of film.  You will see here that at the end of this 
    51        commercial we talk about: "Please watch this particular 
    52        programme because you might enjoy it."  I will go towards 
    53        the end and you will see how it works.
    55                  (The next advertisement was shown)
    57   MR. RAMPTON:  That is a full length film, is it, "The Wish That
    58        Changed Christmas"?
    59        A.  Yes.  This is a production.  We call it ronald mcdonald
    60        Family Theatre, but we will have some other studio make a

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