Day 057 - 29 Nov 94 - Page 05

     1        McDonald's meals which are high in fat etc. to make your
     2        diet high in fat etc., then you take a real risk of having
     3        cancer of the breast or bowel or heart disease or, put more
     4        simply, that if you eat enough McDonald's food it may cause
     5        cancer of the breast or bowel or heart disease.
     7        For instance, such an interpretation might be thought to
     8        take account of the use of the word "link" rather than
     9        outright cause.  It might take account of the distinction
    10        between, any distinction between, diet and a meal, and it
    11        might take account of the fact that many customers, i.e.
    12        not all customers, are referred to in the lower part of the
    13        page in relation to heart attacks.
    15        I am not, as I have said, making a final decision on that,
    16        but I do not want to fence with you -- I find it very
    17        difficult to see how the leaflet can mean other than causal
    18        link in some respect such as that.
    20   MS. STEEL:   I have explained what I feel that the M's at the
    21        top represent.  I think they are just, as I said, a
    22        satirical banner.  I have mentioned that "McCancer" is not
    23        even on the same page.  I do not really think that people
    24        are likely to read "McCancer" and then directly go and
    25        search out where there is a reference for "cancer" in the
    26        leaflet.  I think they will read all the headings at once
    27        at the beginning, and then forget about them and then just
    28        go on to what the whole of the text says.  They are not
    29        going to connect the two.
    31        The cartoon at the bottom, as I have said, I do not think
    32        it does represent people being killed by eating McDonald's
    33        food and getting cancer and heart disease.  It does not
    34        mention them and there is no reason why, if somebody dies
    35        of heart disease, they would end up in the middle of a
    36        hamburger bun.  To me, it is clear that that is
    37        representing people being crushed, people and animals being
    38        crushed, by the hamburger industry.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I am aware of your argument in relation to
    41        that.  I have said I am not reaching a final view, but
    42        I think it is only fair that I say these things to you.
    43        I think one thing you have to face, putting a large "M" and
    44        a small "c" in front of something is a way of associating
    45        it, it seems to me, with McDonald's.  I mean, I have seen
    46        some papers where -- a publication somewhere; I cannot
    47        remember where -- you and Mr. Morris are referred to as the
    48        "McLibel Two".  That is a further illustration of the
    49        point; everyone reading "McLibel Two" immediately thinks
    50        "McDonald's Libel Two". 
    52   MS. STEEL:   "McCancer" could equally mean "McCancer" on society 
    53        as in, you know, that they are something that is bad for
    54        society.  The thing is that, according to the law that
    55        Mr. Rampton has referred to in his skeleton argument, you
    56        are not allowed to find a meaning which is higher than that
    57        which the Plaintiffs' pleaded.  They have pleaded link and
    58        we have based our case on that and, therefore, if it is now
    59        changed to cause and, you know, things stay the same as
    60        they are, we have not tried to prove that higher meaning.

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