Day 066 - 14 Dec 94 - Page 16
1 chickens?
2 A. It applies to any food, whether it is vegetable or,
3 from vegetable or animal origin.
5 Q. A slight digression, Dr. Gonzales: In the United States
6 McDonald's chickens, I think, are supplied chiefly by two
7 processors, Equity and Tysons; is that right?
8 A. That is correct.
10 Q. Do they serve different parts of the country, those two
11 organisations?
12 A. Yes, they do.
14 Q. Do they both do precisely the same thing or do they do
15 slightly different things?
16 A. They do produce the same products. But there are --
17 Tysons covers the entire supply chain from having the
18 breeds that will produce the animals that will lay the eggs
19 all the way down to our McNuggetts and McChicken patties.
21 Q. So, they breed the chickens, they hatch them, they grow
22 them, they slaughter them and then process them into
23 McNuggetts and then they pass them on to you?
24 A. That is correct. Equity, on the other hand, does not
25 have that capability. So, they start with the contract
26 farming, so they have growers that will grow with the
27 chickens and that they start from that point in the supply
28 chain.
30 Q. Yes, I see. Where does McDonald's in the United States get
31 its eggs for its breakfast items?
32 A. From a company called Cargill.
34 Q. I ask you this -- again, so far as I am concerned, I need
35 only general answers, Dr. Gonzales -- what does McDonald's
36 do to ensure, as far as it can, that its customers do not
37 contract food-borne diseases from the meals that they buy
38 in the restaurants. It may be a long answer.
39 A. Yes, we could spend the next couple of days .....
41 Q. That is why I asked for a general answer.
42 A. But I can give you the major highlights ---
44 Q. Yes, please.
45 A. -- if you will. Primarily, we look at three areas:
46 Products, our products, our people and our processors.
47 I will describe not in much detail each one of those. We
48 work, let us say -- let me start with people. We have a
49 very extensive training programme. Start from the
50 selection of people, throughout time we have developed a
51 very nice reputation around the world as a global company
52 as well as a training company. We have in our corporate
53 offices Hamburger University where people from around the
54 world, from store managers to our partners, to our
55 suppliers, to our chief executive officers, go there for
56 training; training in areas from management, from food
57 safety, from just about any management course that is
58 taught around the world. We have a state of the art
59 facilities there and it is a continuous training
60 programme.