Day 066 - 14 Dec 94 - Page 17
2 I can tell you personally that I spent probably in my time
3 with McDonald's I have spent an average of, I would say,
4 six weeks entering not only through Hamburger University
5 but in courses where I feel I need that training such as
6 finance, accounting.
8 Q. But leave things like finance and management on one side.
9 What about food safety because that is what we are
10 discussing at the moment?
11 A. In terms of food safety, I go to courses, I participate
12 in courses. Our people are trained in food safety around
13 the world. For example, last year we trained in
14 co-ordinating the training of, I would say, 85 per cent of
15 the beef slaughter houses in the US. We train, we develop
16 a process, a training programme, for all of the key people
17 from the chief executive officer from the major
18 corporations in the US to the QA managers, so that they
19 could be trained in food safety and the best practices as
20 well as the best processors to ensure food safety, so we
21 can add that extra security.
23 Q. I was going to ask you, you train these people so that they
24 know what they are doing and what other people should do?
25 A. We provide the resources, yes, we do.
27 Q. When they have had their training easy enough, I suppose,
28 in the restaurant, they apply it directly to the operation
29 in which they are charge of?
30 A. That is correct.
32 Q. There are procedures in the restaurants, I take it, to
33 ensure that the food is safe so far as possible?
34 A. That is correct. So, our training programme starts
35 from the suppliers to distribution centres to the
36 restaurants and that is around the world.
38 Q. I am not going to ask you to describe in detail the
39 procedures in the restaurants because we have a witness
40 called Mr. Keith Kenny whose statement I understand you
41 have read ---
42 A. Yes, I have.
44 Q. -- who will describe them in detail. So far as you are
45 concerned, I think you tell us that what he says is, as it
46 were, uniform so far as it can be throughout the world?
47 A. Yes, that is correct.
49 Q. What I do want to ask you about is this: A lot of what you
50 depend on for the safety of your food goes on outside your
51 restaurants, goes on in the farms, the slaughterhouses and
52 the processing plants which you do not own? That is right,
53 is it not? How can you ensure that those people who are
54 not controlled by you comply with the sorts of procedures
55 which, so far as you are concerned, are needed to ensure
56 food safety?
57 A. OK. It is a large corporation. We take advantage of a
58 purchasing power and we use that purchasing power to
59 influence our suppliers so that they produce the products,
60 so that they develop the processes, so that they train the