Day 074 - 16 Jan 95 - Page 07

     1   Q.   Were you conscious whether or not there was any local
     2        opposition to having a McDonald's store in the Kings Road?
     3        A.  I know there had been.
     5   Q.   There had been?
     6        A.  Yes.
     8   Q.   When did you personally, as manager of that store, come
     9        into contact with any of the local residents or local
    10        resident associations in relation to the question of
    11        environment/index.html">litter, do you recall?
    12        A.  I do not recall it, if you ask me what month.
    14   Q.   No, no, roughly speaking, how long do you think you had
    15        been there before there were any problems about environment/index.html">litter?
    16        A.  I think it must have been two or three months or so.
    18   Q.   Do you remember a lady called Linda Wells, I think it is?
    19        A.  Yes, I do.
    21   Q.   Was she the Secretary of the Smith Street Residents
    22        Association?
    23        A.  Yes, sir, she was.
    25   Q.   Do you remember a gentleman called Dr. Taylor?
    26        A.  Yes, I do very well.
    28   Q.   Was he the Chairman of the Royal Hospital Ward Residents
    29        Association?
    30        A.  Yes, sir.
    32   Q.   Do you remember that there was a Royal Avenue Residents
    33        Association?
    34        A.  Yes, yes, I do.
    36   Q.   Do you remember that there was a Wellington Square
    37        Residents Association as well?
    38        A.  I was vaguely aware because in Wellington Square, the
    39        people -- the houses are not very well occupied.  I think
    40        that people used to be on their farms and all that.
    42   Q.   Can you before we come in more detail to your time at Kings
    43        Road please fetch from the shelf behind this time a pink
    44        volume called "Operations and Training Manual", volume
    45        large Roman X?  You can keep that yellow thing near you, if
    46        you will.  Please turn to what is page 47 in that volume.
    47        There are two-page numbers, I am afraid, the one at the
    48        bottom, the larger one is 47.
    49        A.  OK.
    51   Q.   The page number of the actual document is 381. 
    52        A.  Yes, I have it. 
    54   Q.   Do you see in the left-hand column "boundaries of the
    55        restaurant".  Do you see that towards bottom of the page?
    56        A.  Yes.
    58   Q.   Does it say:  "The outside person is to pick up all trash"
    59         -- we apologise for the word "trash"; this is an American
    60        document -- "(not just McDonald's papers) from the

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