Day 075 - 17 Jan 95 - Page 12

     1        the trustees and they do not participate in the day-to-day
     2        administration of the organisation.
     4   Q.   Then I will turn, if I may, then to what you have called
     5        "environment/index.html">litter wardens".  Do you know of any other company, from
     6        your experience, which is apt to generate environment/index.html">litter on our
     7        high streets and in our roads that has a system of environment/index.html">litter
     8        collection such as McDonald's has?
     9        A.  Not to my knowledge, no.
    11   Q.   Have you observed the operation of this system yourself,
    12        personally?
    13        A.  Yes, I have.  I make it a practice in relation to any
    14        of the organisations that are involved with us and profess
    15        to do things in support of us to check from time to time
    16        that they do.
    18   Q.   When you say "check from time to time", do you ring up a
    19        manager and say:  "Watch out; I am on my way"?
    20        A.  No, I go (and expect my directors to go) unannounced to
    21        observe whether or not what they say they do they are
    22        doing.  We do that, incidentally, in relation to local
    23        authorities as well -- not just to private sectors.
    25   Q.   So far as you are concerned -- let us accept perhaps for
    26        the moment that we do not live in an ideal world, we do not
    27        live in Utopia, but living in the real world -- what, if
    28        anything, more do you think that McDonald's could do to
    29        cope with the environment/index.html">litter which is generated, in particular, by
    30        their take-away business?
    31        A.  I find it difficult to see what more they could do,
    32        given the frequency with which they dispatch their own
    33        environment/index.html">litter wardens to collect environment/index.html">litter, whether or not they have
    34        generated it, and given what they do in attempting to
    35        educate their customers about the importance of disposing
    36        of their waste in a responsible manner.
    38   MR. RAMPTON:  Thank you, Professor.  Please remain there for
    39        cross-examination.
    41   MR. MORRIS:  Can we have five minutes?
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We will have our break there.  What I suggest
    44        we do is break off at about five to one and come back at
    45        about 20 to 2, if that is necessary.
    47                       (Short Adjournment)
    49                    Cross-examined by the Defendants
    51   MR. MORRIS:  The Tidy Britain Group, Professor Ashworth, 
    52        circulated some documents in 1994.  I will give you a copy 
    53         -- I am not exactly sure where it is in the files.
    54        I think it was in our packaging supplementary list X2.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Hand it up.  It is just one sheet, is it?
    58   MR. MORRIS:  It is two sheets.
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I suggest is ----

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