Day 075 - 17 Jan 95 - Page 25
1 companies before that ---
2 A. No.
4 Q. -- to clean up any mess?
5 A. No.
7 MS. STEEL: Professor Ashworth, are there problems with environment/index.html">litter
8 other than just the kind of fact that people do not like
9 looking at it?
10 A. There are concerns from time to time expressed about
11 the consequences of environment/index.html">litter. In the course of my academic
12 work, we have looked at (and tried to conduct research
13 into) health hazards associated with it without any really
14 conclusive evidence coming out of those studies. There is
15 a -- it depends, obviously, in the nature of the environment/index.html">litter.
16 There are some items of environment/index.html">litter that are a matter of
17 concern, things like hypodermic syringes, things of that
18 kind, and clinical waste that gets disposed of
19 irresponsibly. I have mentioned earlier that principal
20 items thrown out of car windows, I mean, the greatest
21 increase of those is -- perhaps a diversion -- the greatest
22 increase of materials disposed out of car windows in recent
23 years has been disposable nappies. That is a matter of
24 concern to us because there are, obviously, problems
25 associated with that kind of environment/index.html">litter that need to be
26 addressed.
28 Q. What about problems in terms of wildlife and things like
29 that? Is it right there have been studies about wildlife
30 eating, say, packaging remains with food on it and then
31 starving to death?
32 A. Yes. The items of environment/index.html">litter that can be a problem to
33 wildlife are containers into which small animals crawl and
34 cannot escape. Other items, principally plastic items,
35 that have been swallowed by animals in mistake for food
36 which has consequently caused trouble. There are those
37 sorts of problems associated with environment/index.html">litter.
39 Q. That problem with swallowing, that is a problem
40 particularly with polystyrene, is that right, or is it with
41 paper packaging as well?
42 A. It can be a number of the things; it can be various
43 kinds of plastic and it can be paper as well.
45 Q. When you said "plastic" that includes polystyrene?
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Are you aware of polystyrene, particularly,
48 or would you just include that?
49 A. I would just include that as a plastic element. The
50 greater problems are usually associated with PET bottles
51 and plastic sheet in one form or another.
53 MS. STEEL: If there are food remains on the packaging, does
54 that make it all the more attractive to certain animals and
55 more likely that they will eat it?
56 A. I imagine it does, but I am not an expert on that.
58 Q. There are problems with environment/index.html">litter blowing from streets into
59 rivers and into the sea and things like that; is that
60 right?