Day 081 - 31 Jan 95 - Page 08
1 bundle -- do you have a copy of Mr. North's second
2 statement reporting on his visits to the establishments?
3 A. I have it in my case.
5 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, it is volume 1B.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, I have that. I have, in fact, put
8 Mrs. Hovey behind that. I have put the French witnesses,
9 I seem to recall without looking it up, in the Civil
10 Evidence bundle of your statements.
12 MR. MORRIS: The French witnesses?
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. I appreciate you may call them but that
15 is where I have put them for the time being.
17 MR. RAMPTON (To the witness): Have you got there, Professor
18 Jackson, a statement dated 13th January 1995? It is in the
19 back page?
20 A. I have one which is dated 12th January at the front
21 page and 13th January at the back page.
23 Q. At any rate it is the same document. I just want to ask
24 you very few questions about this. Can you turn, please,
25 to paragraph 8 about McKey Foods?
26 A. Yes.
28 Q. Where he says -- sorry, paragraph 9, I beg your pardon:
29 "Of particular note was the mode of delivery of the meat,
30 the quality thereof and its subsequent treatment. The meat
31 was delivered in large pallet boxes, which may have
32 contained up to a tonne of primal butchers cuts. The cuts
33 were bulked together without individual wrapping. From the
34 colour and texture of the flesh and fat, I judged that much
35 of the meat observed (I saw what must have been several
36 tonnes) had been derived from old cows". Do you have any
37 comment about that from your own observations at McKey?
38 A. Well, it would not make any difference if it was from
39 old cows, but to judge from a quick glance like that, you
40 would need to be very experienced at judging meat.
42 Q. Then he goes on: "I noted flank and diaphragm (skirt) to
43 be the bulk of the meat". Did you notice any diaphragm or
44 skirt yourself?
45 A. I did not notice any, no.
47 Q. Then, please, down at the bottom of the page, paragraph 13,
48 he says: "The three sites I visited all demonstrated high
49 standards of what might be called visual hygiene. However,
50 it has been well demonstrated that there is not necessarily
51 any correlation between visual standards and
52 microbiological standards. It is the latter which have the
53 most relevance to food safety and, therefore, the standard
54 of hygiene. In this context, I have found from my own work
55 that there can be an inverse correlation between high
56 visual standards and the microbiological standard of the
57 food produced". First of all, I ask you about that last
58 sentence, do you understand what Mr. North is there saying
59 or not?
60 A. Well, I understand what he is saying but I did wonder