Day 081 - 31 Jan 95 - Page 09
1 whether he had made a mistake in that.
3 Q. Why do you say that?
4 A. Because that seems contrary to what we would expect.
5 An inverse correlation between high visual standards and
6 microbiological standards is contrary to what most people
7 would expect.
9 Q. I suppose it may happen that something which looks clean
10 may on microbiological examination turn out not to be so?
11 A. Certainly, yes.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: No doubt we will find out, but the words he
14 uses are "can be" which I have so far interpreted as
15 meaning "it is possible that", and it does happen that the
16 microbiological standard may be one way whereas the visual
17 standards are the other. Mr. North, so far as I can read
18 it, does not express a view as to the extent to which that
19 happens in the paragraph?
20 A. It just his wording, "the inverse correlation", sir.
21 He is implying that if a premises is dirty it will be
22 microbiologically clean, and that one is necessarily
23 correlated with the other which I do not accept.
25 Q. You see significance in the word "correlation".
27 MR. RAMPTON: Do you see, as a matter of generality, Professor
28 Jackson, a correlation between what one might call visual
29 or surface hygiene and microbiological hygiene?
30 A. Yes, I would say that there was generally a
31 relationship between a visually clean premise and a
32 microbiologically clean.
34 Q. What is that relationship, is it an inverse relationship or
35 a positive -----
36 A. No, a direct relationship.
38 Q. I am not going to read them out, but can I ask you to
39 remind yourself of paragraphs -- miss out paragraph 15 but
40 otherwise read paragraph 14, and then, if you will,
41 paragraphs 16 to 19 on the third page of this statement.
42 Then please tell me when you have done that.
43 A. Yes, I have read that.
45 Q. If I take two pieces of raw meat -- assume that the pink
46 one has some contamination on it, it does not matter what
47 organism, and the yellow one has not -- and I put them
48 together, is there a possibility or a probability or
49 whatever that some of the organisms, bacteria, from the
50 pink will pass on to the yellow?
51 A. Yes.
53 Q. Does that have an implication for the risk to human health
54 or not?
55 A. Well, the total numbers of organisms will still be the
56 same but contained within a larger quantity.
58 Q. Will be, sorry?
59 A. Contained within a larger quantity.