Day 081 - 31 Jan 95 - Page 10
1 Q. So, in effect, the colony will be diluted; is that right?
2 A. Yes.
4 Q. Is that better or worse for human health?
5 A. Well, it could be better. It is difficult to say that
6 it would be, but it could be better.
8 Q. What I think his Lordship may want to know, if you can tell
9 us, Professor Jackson, is whether it is known at what sort
10 of numbers colonies of the different organisms become
11 hazardous to human health?
12 A. The infective dose is known for most of the organisms,
13 yes.
15 Q. What sort of size of colony are we talking about?
16 A. I do not know the actual figures off the top of my
17 head, but we are talking -- in those particular organisms
18 you mentioned earlier we are talking about large numbers.
20 Q. Is there a value, so far as human safety is concerned, food
21 safety, in taking samples of total viable colony counts of
22 all organisms?
23 A. Yes, it indicates the level of contamination.
25 Q. Can I ask you to reach behind you to those shelves and
26 extract volume VIII of the pink ones? It is called
27 "Rearing and Slaughter".
29 MS. STEEL: IX is "Rearing and Slaughter".
31 MR. RAMPTON: I am sorry, it is my fault, it must be food
32 poisoning. Turn please to tab 3 which I hope you will find
33 -- have you found it?
34 A. Yes.
36 Q. You can put Mr. North's statement on one side now, if you
37 wish, as far as I am concerned. Is it a document headed
38 "Microbiological Guidelines"?
39 A. Yes.
41 Q. Is it a McKey document?
42 A. Yes.
44 Q. Were you in court for some of the time, at any rate, when
45 Mr. Walker was giving evidence?
46 A. Yes.
48 Q. You will see there that McKey have set out in the first
49 part of the document a standard or guideline for total
50 colony counts or you sometimes you call them TVCs?
51 A. Yes.
53 Q. Total viable count: "Satisfactory", "passable",
54 "unsatisfactory" and then figures are given for each
55 standard. Can I ask you this, this is raw, uncooked
56 meat ---
57 A. Yes.
59 Q. -- that we are dealing with here? Do you have with you a
60 table from the Public Health Laboratory Service