Day 082 - 01 Feb 95 - Page 16

     1        We are not applying for CEA Notices and I think there are a
     2        couple of documents we would like to do that with.  It is
     3        something really to remind ourselves to do it.  Your
     4        correspondence file No. 5, I think Mrs. Brinley-Codd said
     5        she would update it.
     7   MR. RAMPTON:  What I have here is an update for your Lordship so
     8        that the Defendants should be sure that your Lordship has
     9        the same as they have.  They already have these documents.
    11   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  When you have time, that may not be the most
    12        urgent of matters, check that everything is in there that
    13        you want.
    15   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  Nutrition witnesses, that has been dealt
    16        with; it has been canvassed.  No. 7, opinion -----
    18   MS. STEEL:  I did not do the list but, apparently, it is about
    19        when Mr. Rampton brought up the other day whether or not --
    20        it is all the business about torture and murder and matter
    21        of opinion, what is a matter of opinion, and he said
    22        something about an argument on that.
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not know about that, and I do not know
    25        quite what you had in mind when you said that certain
    26        things are a matter of opinion and people are entitled to
    27        their opinions.  What I suggest is if you have not done so,
    28        read the South Hetton case because I do not think what is
    29        said there has been frowned on.  In some ways it might be
    30        thought to be a useful illustration for this case.  Have
    31        you had an opportunity to read it yet?
    33   MS. STEEL:  Not yet.
    35   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I am certainly happy for the Defendants
    36        to read it, but it is quite an old case.  I would much
    37        rather, if there is to be a discussion about this,
    38        encourage the Defendants -- I will supply for copies on
    39        Monday -- to read the relevant parts of Duncan and Neil.  I
    40        know that sounds immodest, but it is, in our respectful,
    41        the clearest exposition of the defence of fair comment and
    42        what it entails.
    44   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I would be grateful if I could have
    45        photocopies as well.  It is out of print.
    47   MR. RAMPTON:  I know.
    49   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  So far I have had to borrow Lord Justice
    50        Otton's copy and that is not a very satisfactory 
    51        arrangement. 
    53   MR. RAMPTON:  We will have the chapter on "Fair Comment"
    54        copied.  There is apparently a spare copy at Barlow's, if
    55        your Lordship would like one?
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That would be very helpful.
    59   MR. RAMPTON:  I will copy the chapter on "Fair Comment" for the
    60        Defendants.  Mr. Atkinson will help me copy some of

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