Day 088 - 13 Feb 95 - Page 03
2 Q. And some, is it right, are kept inside, indoor units?
3 A. Yes, we have indoor units also.
5 Q. Again, roughly speaking -- perhaps first I ought to ask you
6 this, what is the nature of the indoor units?
7 A. Our indoor pig production is based on our family's
8 historical involvement in pigs which has always been on the
9 straw based system, obviously, for the well being of the
10 pigs.
12 Q. How many -----
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Excuse me. Can you keep your voice up,
15 please, Mr. Bowes?
16 A. I do apologise, sir.
18 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you speak back to Mr. Rampton, he is more
19 or less central to those who have to hear but keep your
20 voice up.
21 A. Thank you.
23 MR. RAMPTON: How many sows do you keep in indoor units?
24 A. About 2,300.
26 Q. How many do you keep in your outdoor facilities?
27 A. 4,000.
29 Q. I am going to ask you some questions about the conditions
30 both outside and in more detail later on, Mr. Bowes, but
31 can I ask you this, when the sows which are in the indoor
32 units have had their piglets, where do the piglets go? Are
33 they kept indoors or do they go somewhere else?
34 A. We, as a company, have been the forerunner of
35 introducing a system of weaning the pigs into outdoor
36 kennels or bungalows, however one wishes to describe them.
37 They are insulated, small kennels which are straw based.
38 That is where the pigs or piglets from the indoor units go
39 to for the next stage of growth.
41 Q. When the piglets have been weaned are they exposed to the
42 fresh air or are they inside?
43 A. These kennels I have just described are outside which
44 are put on grass with straw beds, and they have the
45 opportunity of the fresh air and sun at their own choice.
47 Q. You should have by your right arm a yellow file with the
48 Roman numeral IX on it called "Rearing and slaughter". If
49 you turn to tab 7 in that file you should be able to find
50 the statement that you made for the purposes of these
51 proceedings?
52 A. Yes, I have that.
54 Q. If you turn that over you should find behind it a copy of
55 your coloured brochure. My Lord, I have another one.
56 A. I have it here.
58 Q. I think the Defendants have only got one. Before we look
59 at this brochure, Mr. Bowes, is yours a family-owned
60 company?